Corona: “Fevery and battered” – sweating Christian Lindner outraged at party congress

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Created: April 25, 2022, 7:09 p.m

Von: Caroline Schaefer


The connection of FDP leader Christian Lindner at the party conference causes excitement on the net and triggers discussions regarding his state of health.

Berlin – The FDP continued its federal party conference in Berlin on Sunday morning (April 24th, 2022). The focus of the second and last day should be a speech by the new Secretary General, Bijan Djir-Sarai. Federal finance minister and chairman of the party, Christian Lindner, might because of his Corona-Infection only participate digitally.

“After two years without a Covid-19 infection, yesterday a negative result in the test center and today a negative rapid test: positive. Thanks to three vaccinations, only mild cold symptoms that subside once more. I wish everyone who has a more difficult course all the best! ”Wrote the FDP leader on Thursday (April 21, 2022) on the short message service Twitter.

Christian Lindner fell ill with Corona: “feverish and battered” at the party conference

However, Lindner received criticism for his video appearance at the Liberal Party Congress on Saturday (April 23, 2022). In his 40-minute speech, the finance minister began to sweat and looked visibly battered. A still image of his performance quickly went viral on the internet. Some users on Twitter suspected that the infection was not so harmless following all. Others accused him of lacking personal responsibility.

Christian Lindner, FDP federal chairman, speaks digitally from Washington at the federal party conference. © Michael Kappeler/dpa

“At #bpt22, a feverish and battered #Corona-positive #Lindner speaks, while delegates sit on top of each other for hours without #masks,” criticized one user with a view to the FDP politician’s speech. “The practiced #personal responsibility of the #FDP. Working sick and not even paying attention to the basic protection for yourself and others,” it said. Previously, a photo of the party congress showed that most of those present were not wearing a mask.

Corona: The Twitter community accuses Christian Lindner of a lack of personal responsibility

“It would be personal responsibility to be sick in bed instead of working. It’s definitely a borderline case here, but I don’t think it’s a good signal,” added the user. After a meeting of the G7 finance ministers in the USA, Lindner tested positive for Corona and has been in quarantine ever since. “Just saw Lindner at the federal party conference. Totally sweaty and visibly battered. But you shouldn’t let anything be said, because Omikron it’s harmless now,” wrote another user with an ironic undertone.

Shortly therefollowing, Christian Lindner himself commented on the Twitter comments. “Thank you for the get well wishes here,” he wrote Saturday night. However, there is no reason to worry, “that’s what it looks like when you’re standing in the headlights at 0600 in the morning without a mask,” added the FDP leader.

Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach praises Lindner’s corona isolation

“Had Karl Lauterbach not withdrawn the decision of the 16 health ministers that we no longer have to be in quarantine if we are infected, then Christian Lindner would be with us today and not in Washington, ”said deputy FDP leader Wolfgang Kubicki at the opening of the party conference. Lauterbach suddenly took back the quarantine easing at the beginning of April. It is thanks to the liberals that Germany has returned to “normality”, emphasized several FDP politicians.

Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD), on the other hand, said that Lindner’s isolation was correct. “If we no longer isolate those infected with corona, as fdp requires, we endanger all the people we do not protect well through vaccination. These are in particular old people and unvaccinated children,” wrote the SPD politician in a tweet on Saturday evening. (kas/dpa)



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