Cornetto Algida, the commercials and jingles that made history

2023-08-07 09:00:45

Summer time, leisure, sea and adventures; and, for most of us nostalgic, there is no summer without thinking regarding Cornetto Algida.

Iconic ice cream over the years ’70 e ’80together with all its commercials it was the symbol of first loves, new friendships and companion of a hot season with the freshness of a Heart of cream.

A tasty success that of the Cornetto Algida built with the perfect amplifier of its advertisements that have helped to create romantic stories suitable for any time and for any audience through a curious eye on society, situations and communication style,

Croissant Made in the South

It may seem strange to some, yet the Cornetto Algida was born in Naples in 1959 in the ice cream shop Spicafrom a particular idea of ​​the master ice cream maker to ensure that the ice cream does not come into contact with the wafer and thus avoid losing its crunchiness.

However, this idea did not make a great stir, until 1976 Unilever buys the patent entrusting it to the Roman company Algida. It is thanks to the well-known brand that the Cornetto embraces the enormous consensus among the public.

Obviously, there is also the wise in this strategy which gradually fixes in many of us the idea and that carefree feeling that thesummer is coming.

A heart of cream along an unforgettable jingle

How was one of the most famous Italian jingles born?

The fervor of Italian creativity of the 70s and 80s it doesn’t take long to make himself heard, much less to be remembered: the advertiser, writer and film critic Adriano DeCarlo is the author of one of the most famous claims of our country, Heart of cream.

Made for the agency Cross the first advertisement, gave way to the association of the Cornetto ice cream with summer loves, with the desire and gesture of sharing, with the nostalgia of a season full of fun and new experiences.

And together with the campaign, the first version of the jingle – or rather the lyrics of the song – written by Fabio Ritter and Daniela Frasca Polara. It was 1981.

If you want it, a Heart of Cream for Us – 1983

A Heart of Cream and Us – 1985

In the ads, one is sold model of the company who lives a serene present and with an eye to a hopeful future, that of young people and their first emotions, summer adventures, tender romantic approaches, where to act as a support, just like a friend, there is ice cream as an occasion approaching, offering, sharing.

Heart of Cream – 1988

In the 1989 Cornetto changes his jingle, this time composed by the brothers Carmelo and Michelangelo The Blonde which give a turning point in the perception of the product: togetherness becomes central and is shown by friendship, complicity and moments of play and sharing that cross and embrace several generations.

In All of Us There is a Heart of Cream – 1990

In the commercials, new texts and new melodies sung by the famous follow one another Luca Jurman.

Heart of Cream For You – 1992

The abandonment of the Heart of Panna

The mid 90s it brings with it great changes in society, in habits, in the birth of new television networks and in the use of the medium itself. These are associated with the loss of the famous claim of ice cream that simply remains Croissant Algida, accompanied by several others whose succession, however, struggles to be remembered.

Heartbeat – 1995

Change the wrapping of the ice cream as well as the photography of the commercials, the music, the settings. The jingles and dedicated texts disappear. Summer becomes a specific moment and the sensuality it’s starting to get more appealing. Summer and adventures are lived with that emotion that transforms into a heartbeat.

Without Croissant Love Has No Taste – 2000

For the first time of Cornetto there is, in the spot, the introduction of irony as a form of language.

The classic image of the soft and awkward Cupid is replaced by a modern, attractive one with much more efficient means that encourages the clumsy one to make love blossom in a more immediate but often pleasantly improbable way.

It’s A Love Thing – 2003

The claim changes once more, this time it is in English: the company and the language begin to have a more international dimension.

To frame the more adult loves there are no longer summer, the sea and friends but the everyday life, summed up in the typical moments of every twenty-year-old who faces life as an independent individual.

The advertisements, in conjunction with the massive economic recessionthey begin to look back, into the past, drawing inspiration and reproducing successful modelsin a process of nostalgia not only for society but also for the splendor of that creativity free from the artificiality of these years.

60 Years of Love

In the 2019 Cornetto Algida performs 60 years and for the occasion, a commercial is created that retraces the first heartbeats: times, years and fashions pass but the emotions always have the same effect. Accompanied by summer and the iconic ice cream, a symbol of union and sharing.

And here comes the unforgettable jingle directly from 80s.

From 2014 to today, the commercials follow the pace of the tastes and trends that the media offer us. Tell more inclusive which certainly embrace the different identities of the individual, a mirror of evolutions and of a society in a continuous, free change.

Dive into this summer

In recent years, the attention of commercials has shifted to the centrality of successful songs by various songwriters.

The music is linked to the product and the product supports and amplifies the hits of the season. From Fedez and J-Ax in 2016, a Cesare Cremonini in 2014, ad Aries in 2021, up to Saint John in 2022

Cornetto Algida is not a simple ice cream: thanks to its advertisements it has managed to enter the depths of memories of each of us. The first brilliant combination between summer, lightheartedness and sharing has been accompanying us for over 60 years.

A concept well fixed in the minds that he was able to do dream several generations and remember the light moments together with those tender, young emotions that we all have reserved a special place in ours heart of cream.

Nostalgic of the campaigns that marked an era? Then check out these too:

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#Cornetto #Algida #commercials #jingles #history



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