Corinthia: Intervention of Kerameos – Requests control for the 45-year-old 2024-02-20 10:35:06

“I have asked the competent authorities to conduct an audit in order to see where he serves, under what status in the municipality of Eretria – Amarynthos of Evia, the 45-year-old from the family of the Old Christians of Corinth”, said Niki Kerameos, in the context of a debate on a topical question of the SYRIZA MP Katerina Notopoulou.

The minister, regarding the fact that the 45-year-old from the Paleochristine family of Corinth was a municipal employee of the municipality of Eretria-Amarynthos from 2020 following his transfer, stated that “the priority of the Government is to strengthen our valuable human resources, but at the same time the Government ensures that the human resources sector is strictly supervised and I take this opportunity to announce to the Parliament that I have already requested that an audit be carried out on the case of the 45-year-old from Corinth in order to see exactly and in detail what is happening in the case of this employee, who serves, with what regime”.

An uproar has erupted on the former twitter (X) following the revelation that the father of the Paleochristian family was working in the municipality of Eretria with telework status from the burrows.

Naturally, users were quick to comment on this news. In fact, a special sensation was caused by the fact that he constantly repeated that as a community they refuse modern technology.

The revelation was made by the mayor of Eretria-Amarynthos Nikolas Gournis himself, who stated that the 45-year-old became an employee in his municipality with a transfer for health reasons.

Corinthia: “There is no incest and removal of custody” says the 45-year-old’s lawyer

The family of the self-proclaimed Old Christians in Mountainous Corinthia remains in focus, with the investigations continuing and their 45-year-old head, being taken to the prosecutor in the morning.

He and the lawyer representing him insist there is no illegality behind the lifestyle they have chosen. But the authorities are asking for answers regarding the children of the family who do not go to school even though they should by law, where they have been hiding since last Saturday night with their mother and answers regarding the father of the baby, who was born by eldest daughter of the couple.

The 45-year-old will remain in custody until next Wednesday, when he will be brought back to the prosecutor to plead guilty. In a statement that caused a sensation this morning, regarding the infant of unknown father, George Kalliakmanis asked for an investigation into incest.

In a hut that leads to a cave, 7 people live. The parents with their 4 children and the infant was born by their eldest daughter.

Developments began to run following the autopsy of Live News journalist Kyriakos Madouvalos with his camera last Friday. The family of self-proclaimed Early Christians showed the cave they had dug and the 30-meter-long burrow in which they lived.

The spot they had turned into a Russian-style church and the exit leading to a stream on the back side of their hut. The 45-year-old head of the family admitted that his children do not go to school, as required by law.

The next day there was a public prosecutor’s intervention for an urgent preliminary investigation. On Saturday night, however, the children fled with their mother and only the 45-year-old man and his 15-year-old son remained in the burrow.

Yesterday morning the 45-year-old was brought before a prosecutor, but without revealing the place where the rest of the children and his wife had taken refuge. The 15-year-old son who was with him was taken to a hospital.

The bringing of the 45-year-old turned into an arrest. A case file has been filed once morest him for exposing minors to danger, infidelity and non-compliance with the law on the compulsory attendance of children in school.

The tangle of the case had begun to unravel a week ago when a hunter reported an attack once morest him. The family put the Live News camera inside the hut with their images and words causing sensation.

The 45-year-old remains in custody, his 15-year-old son in hospital and the rest of the family at large, in a case that is under investigation.

“I was an executive of “Golden Dawn””

Regarding the past of the father of the family, speaking to Live News reporter Kyriakos Madouvalos, he revealed that he had previously been a member of the “Golden Dawn”.

In fact, as the 45-year-old himself told the journalist, he was a high-ranking executive of the condemned criminal organization “Golden Dawn” before even entering the Parliament. He identified himself as the “right-hand man” of a high-ranking executive of “Golden Dawn”, namely Elias Panagiotarou, according to the 45-year-old’s statement to the Live News reporter.

Then a relative of the family spoke to Live News, where he said: “The family is in a safe place, we don’t know the details of where they are. We want to believe he’s fine.”

Corinthia-Theodoropoulos: “There is no incest”

Meanwhile, the lawyer of the father of the family, Andreas Theodoropoulos, noted: “The father’s offenses are not sufficient to maintain detention.”

In reference to the statement of Giorgos Kalliakmanis that caused a sensation in the morning, where he asked for an investigation into incest, the lawyer commented that “his imagination runs wild” and emphasized that there is no incest.

In addition, Mr. Theodoropoulos clarified that the two parents have not been deprived of parental care of the children and that his principal is not accused of exposing a minor to danger and that he has a clean criminal record.

Finally, Mr. Theodoropoulos urged his client to reveal the whereregardings of his children and their mother.

Corinthia: The children of the Early Christians were completely initiated into the life philosophy of their parents

His 15-year-old son has stopped school at his father’s request. And so he deprived him of the right to education and made him believe that growing up in this hut that hides a 30-meter hole inside is normal.

He is little Christoforos, one of the total of 6 children of 45-year-old Manolis. For 4 years he has been living with his family without electricity, heating and water in a burrow 6 meters underground.

And his 15-year-old brother, Nikos, who dropped out of elementary school. It is unbelievable that this child who today would be attending 3rd High School has been convinced that he did not need to continue school since he never liked it.

“I never liked school. I was relatively irrelevant. Illiterate. Not illiterate, but for some reason the teachers liked me and gave me good grades.”

So this little boy who used to get good grades and really likes to read books has stopped school at the behest of his parents and has taken it upon himself to graze his father’s goats instead.

“I was in the pasture because I mostly graze the animals,” as the child himself has said. Live News reporter Kyriakos Madouvalos asks 15-year-old Nikolas if he has friends to play with in his free time, if he has any company since they were isolated in this hut.

“Since we came here, we don’t see many. No people pass by. Some poachers even. Some have children, but generally I don’t hang out with the children of the community.”

The children of the community are none other than his siblings. For entertainment there is a rusty swing, discarded bicycles next to a rubbish dump and for companionship a dog chained and frightened under a cardboard box.

Paraskevi, mother of an infant, is the eldest child in the family. She describes on Live News camera how she attacked the police officers with sticks when she saw them handcuffing her 45-year-old father.

“And there I took a rotten piece of wood and attacked the policeman and thought I had to defend myself. Now why did some Huns come over here as if we are in prehistoric times, I don’t know?”

Cut off from culture and school standards, these children fully adopt everything their father teaches them. Even if the cave is baptized by a church.

“This is not a cave, it is a church. This is the sanctuary,” he told Live News.

Walking on fine lines and baptizing cave churches, the 45-year-old Manolis and Sevasti’s partner will give a rather confused answer to what their kinship is, saying that all of them are brothers.

“I call my wife Sister Sevastiani. The first Christians are brothers.”

In “Children” the 15-year-old

During the police raid, the 15-year-old son of the 45-year-old man was found. The minor was transferred following a prosecutor’s order to the “Children’s” hospital in Athens, where he will remain for the next few days until it is decided where he will be transferred.

The 15-year-old remains in the “Children’s” hospital, while the rest of the minor children of the family, namely 11-year-old Christoforos, 6-year-old Xeni and Paraskevi’s infant are in an unknown location with their mother Sevasti

Corinthia: The father of the family that lives in the burrows works in a municipality with a telecommuting regime – The possibility of incest is being considered [βίντεο]

New evidence is coming to light regarding the strange case of the Paleo-Christians living in the caves.

One of the charges facing the father in Mountainous Corinthia, who is being held by the authorities, is due to his decision not to send the family’s children to school in recent years.

According to what he has stated on the television channels, he does not “come out” financially to send the children to school, as he can only provide them with one notebook a year, while as he said, the teachers asked him for one notebook for each lesson…

So according to what is now coming to light, the father of the family works normally and in fact in a Municipality, through telework! The same information says that there is internet access in the area…

The fact is confirmed by the family’s lawyer, Andreas Theodoropoulos.

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#Corinthia #Intervention #Kerameos #Requests #control #45yearold



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