2024-01-19 14:45:53
Zach, played by Corentin Fila, is a magnetic pervert, carried away by the failings of porn, who dreams of freedom and glory; a leader through his inveterate motivation, a loser through his stupid search for performance. Truth interview.
Your character, Zach, is the driving force of the group. He is also the one who performs his role of escort least well. His meeting with Rossy de Palma will make him grow. How was she ?
Corentin Fila: Amazing ! She arrived on set like a queen, she impressed me enormously. She is a funny and accessible diva, who takes everyone with her.
This is the case with your character, he takes life like a spectacle, is full of energy and wants to show everything.
From an intellectual point of view, I am extremely distant from him. He looks down on his parents, because they belong to a social environment that does not dream of fame like him. On the other hand, I think I have made this character evolve in the direction of my own fragilities: his need to exist and to be desired reflects some of my insecurities.
Have you ever imagined yourself as an escort?
No, even if I had pseudo fantasies like that at fifteen with mature women…
Your definition of masculinity?
Some time ago, I would have told you to access a part of femininity. But I think we are now beyond that. Masculinity, femininity, it no longer means anything… The main thing is to be humble and faithful.
How did you experience the paradigm shift with “#MeToo” as an actor?
It is mainly through my wife that I evolved, Daphné Patakia, who founded the Association Des Acteurices (ADA). I realized that seemingly normal male behavior can be unpleasant on set for an actress. As an actor, actress, you are extremely vulnerable.
That’s to say ?
You are an object of desire, with an abysmal need for validation. The director is the person on earth who becomes the most important to you. It’s dangerous. And it can become toxic.
Have you ever felt this way?
Felt yes, but I overprotect myself, and I never let this kind of relationship develop. For example, in the canteen, I never eat with the director, especially if I adore him, because his gaze has too much weight on me. So I want to free myself from it, and not try to please him while I eat.
Your next projects?
Before doing Escort BoysI was in the Brazilian pampas to shoot the latest Davi Pretto… Can’t wait for this film, whose name is still unknown, to come out!
Escort Boysavailable on Prime Video
Par Alexis Lacourte
Photos Romain Favre
#Corentin #Fila #maniac #actor #vulnerable