Córdoba: robbery, persecution, destruction at the toll and a thief who tried to hide in a school

A film chase by the Córdoba Police occurred in the last hours of this Wednesday afternoon in the interior of the province and began with an attempted robbery in the town of La Para.

From that place, the troops began to follow a Peugeot 208 manned by three people who tried to evade a police control, left at full speed and caused damage in the toll area near that town.

The truth is that at the height of the town of Monte Cristo the Police caught up with them. Two of them were arrested on the spot and a third tried to hide in no less than a school. However, he too was caught.

In the procedure, the car in which they were mobilized and clothing among other elements, whose origin is being investigated, were kidnapped.

Subsequently, the detainees together with the seized items were transferred to police headquarters, remaining at the disposal of the intervening magistrate.

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