Cordoba Police Department Embraces New Alliance with AmeriPol

2024-09-11 22:47:04

The Minister of National Security, Alejandra Monteoliva, informed the Provincial Ministry of Security that, following the completion of the procedures preceding the Congress of AmeriPol (American Police Profession), the Córdoba police officially joined the international organization.

In the Argentinian case, in addition to federal forces (Argentine Federal Police, Airport Security Police, National Gendarmerie and Navy Province), the Buenos Aires Autonomous Police and the Buenos Aires Provincial Police also participated in AmeriPol. The provincial police force will be one of three police forces in the country joining the international security organization.

The American Police Community (AmeriPol) is a Western Hemisphere cooperative mechanism with integrated and coordinated operations. Its purpose is to promote and strengthen police cooperation in technical, scientific and training matters, as well as to facilitate and more effective exchange of information.

Likewise, according to senior security ministry sources, the aim is to coordinate and facilitate ongoing criminal investigations and mutual legal assistance operations between US police forces and counterpart agencies in order to translate them into the consolidation of police doctrine and philosophy. . They also work to prevent and fight crime.

It is an autonomous organization, dependent on its constituent countries, and linked to several international organizations such as INTERPOL, Europol and the Organization of American States (OAS). In addition, AmeriPol has cooperation agreements with several international entities, including the European Commission and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).

AmeriPol currently consists of 33 countries in the Americas, including the United States, Canada, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Chile, Paraguay, Peru, Bolivia and Uruguay.

Importance to Cordoba

“We have been studying this possibility together with Minister Patricia Burridge and Security Minister Alejandra Monteoliba. Today we learned that the Cordoba Police Department has officially been integrated into the United States Police The army is clearly one of the prides of Córdoba.

He continued: “Joining this organization means being able to enhance the training and specialization of our agents in different areas such as criminal investigations, in addition to linking our police with security forces recognized around the world.”

On the other hand, Cordoba Police Chief Leonardo Gutierrez said: “There is no doubt that this is a historical milestone that puts the Cordoba police on an international level as a security force. “This is Visible recognition of the work of our employees and the possibility for us to continue to improve the quality of our work. “

#Cordoba #Police #Department #integrate #AmeriPol


AmeriPol: Strengthening​ Police Cooperation in the Americas

The American Police Community, commonly referred to as AmeriPol, is a significant regional organization that aims to promote and strengthen police cooperation in the Americas. With 33 ‍member countries, including the ​United States, Canada, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, and many others, ⁣AmeriPol plays a crucial role in facilitating the exchange of information, technical assistance, and training among law enforcement agencies in the region.

History and Objectives

AmeriPol was established to ‍respond to ⁣the growing need for international cooperation in⁣ the fight ⁣against crime and drug trafficking‌ [[1]]. The organization’s‍ primary objective is to facilitate‍ the exchange of knowledge, experiences, and‍ best practices⁤ among law enforcement agencies, enabling them to combat crime more effectively​ [[2]].

Member Countries ‌and Structure

AmeriPol currently has 33 member countries, including both federal and provincial police forces from across the Americas. The organization operates as an autonomous ​entity, dependent on its constituent countries, and is linked to several international organizations ‌such as ‍INTERPOL,​ Europol, and the Organization ​of American States (OAS) [[3]].

Importance of AmeriPol

AmeriPol’s significance lies in its ability to facilitate cooperation and coordination among law enforcement agencies, enabling them to ‌combat transnational​ crimes more effectively. By sharing knowledge, expertise, and resources, member countries can strengthen⁣ their ⁢capabilities to prevent and fight crime, ultimately contributing to a safer and more secure region.

Recent Development: ​Córdoba Police Joins AmeriPol

In a recent development, the⁢ Córdoba police force in Argentina has officially joined AmeriPol, becoming one of three police forces in the country to do so. This integration is expected to enhance the ‍province’s capabilities in fighting crime and drug trafficking, and⁢ to facilitate greater cooperation ‌with other law enforcement agencies in the region.


AmeriPol plays a vital⁢ role in promoting police cooperation in the Americas, and its growth and expansion are crucial to addressing the region’s security challenges. As the organization continues to evolve and strengthen its capabilities, it is likely to have a significant impact on the fight against crime and drug trafficking in the region.


AmeriPol: Strengthening Police Cooperation in the Americas

The American Police Community, commonly referred to as AmeriPol, is a significant regional organization that aims to promote and strengthen police cooperation in the Americas. With 33 member countries, including the United States, Canada, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, and many others, AmeriPol plays a crucial role in facilitating the exchange of information, technical assistance, and training among law enforcement agencies in the region.

History and Objectives

AmeriPol was established to respond to the growing need for international cooperation in the fight against crime and drug trafficking [[1]]. The organization’s primary objective is to facilitate the exchange of knowledge, experiences, and best practices among law enforcement agencies, enabling them to combat crime more effectively [[2]].

Member Countries and Structure

AmeriPol currently has 33 member countries, including both federal and provincial police forces from across the Americas. The organization operates as an autonomous entity, dependent on its constituent countries, and is linked to several international organizations such as INTERPOL, Europol, and the Organization of American States (OAS) [[3]].

Importance of AmeriPol

AmeriPol’s significance lies in its ability to facilitate cooperation and coordination among law enforcement agencies, enabling them to combat transnational crimes more effectively. By sharing knowledge, expertise, and resources, member countries can strengthen their capabilities to prevent and fight crime, ultimately contributing to a safer and more secure region.

Recent Development: Córdoba Police Joins AmeriPol

In a recent development, the Córdoba police force in Argentina has officially joined AmeriPol, becoming one of three police forces in the country to integrate into the international organization. This milestone marks a significant step forward for the Córdoba police, as it will enable them to enhance their training and specialization in areas such as criminal investigations, and link



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