Córdoba: metallurgists assure that many are in default with their suppliers: “We haven’t turned dollars for a month”

2023-09-06 20:57:33

The situation is serious. the lack of dollars to acquire supplies it is strangling the industries of Córdoba. Although they consider that it is not a novelty, in recent months the situation has deepened.

They confirmed that for more than 30 days they have been unable to make payments already committed abroad. The head of the Córdoba Chamber of Metallurgical, Components and Allied Industrialists tries to find alternatives and assures that the sector is in default.

An expert assured that due to the lack of inputs there are already companies suspending staff

“After the announcements of the minister (Sergio) Massa of a relaxation in the restrictions of the system, some SIRA were approved to pay the first days of December but today the main problem is that We have not been drawing dollars for a month, we are not paying, obviously we are in default“, assured Cadena 3 the president of the entity, Gustavo Del Boca.

The institution ensures that it monitors the approval of the Sira on a daily basis. He considers that the situation is tough. He also asked himself wryly: “What SIRA are we going to approve if the providers are not taking care of us?”

Del Boca affirmed that the lack of dollars is indicating that they cannot pay abroad and “Some of the foreign suppliers stopped supplying us, they do not understand our delay in payment. Many spend more time searching for dollars than enabling Siras.”

Miguel Ponce denounced that “international trade is paralyzed”

He remarked that there are some industries that have headquarters abroad that can deal with this problem but that “it is not possible that the industry is working on a permanent day-to-day basis to approve SIRA or get dollars.”

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is the sira

It is a mechanism that seeks to unify import order procedures in a single window and give “predictability” on the payment dates through Afip approval for the purchase of official dollars.

It is called the Argentine Republic Import System (SIRA), and replaced the Integral Import Monitoring System (SIMI).

According to the Chamber of Commerce, 76% of the companies have received less than 25% of the authorizations they have requested to import.; delays in obtaining approvals are up to 90 days; and 83% of the surveyed companies already have input, stock and sales levels below the usual standards, so they feel that these delays are already affecting the normal development of their production and sales.


The Metallurgical Chamber will commemorate Industry Day this Wednesday at 6:00 p.m.

It will do so with an event attended by local, provincial authorities and industry leaders.

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