The Rise of Córdoba: From Córdoba Party to… Food

2024-07-22 14:31:31

former congressman Juan Negri Surprised by his new role in the food world. The activist is one of the partners of “nun”, A new restaurant in town Villa AllendeIts partners include Franco Castiñeiras, Lucas López, Ariel Liesenfeld and Sergio Kozak, some of whom have extensive experience in the field.

Former officials reveal this new look as an advantage in his political career, because he believes that in complex times like these, officials should “bet on the private sector.” Negri strongly believes that he may be a new member of the “Códobeism” led by Governor Martín Laliola, and he pays close attention to what is happening within the radical movement. These days, he strongly questions the current moment of the Centenary game, which he describes as “a state of anesthesia and simulation mode”.

Another photo of the judge and DeLoredo
Louis Judge
y Rodrigo de Loredo They would appear together again at a meeting to bring together the Cambiomist forces. In a new show of force, senators and representatives will host a secret meeting with lawmakers, legislators and leaders in the coming days. This will be a new symbol of unity that consolidates the opposition space.

In fact, the conference was originally scheduled to take place in early July, but the May Convention and the winter holidays delayed its realization. Opposition leaders agreed to do so Back from vacation.

this last photo Juez and De Loredo appear together as July 2, share a cup of coffee. The activists were responsible for uploading the photos to social networks, where they appeared to be very relaxed. The message included a legend: “The base is there.” At a time when the enemy – the Peronist Martín Laliola – was recruiting troops for the Cordobes party, it was a visible sign of solidarity between locals and foreigners logo.

meister and intern
In the world of Dolores, they warn that the former mayor of the capital Ramon Mestre He is the one who has the most to lose if the internal electoral battle takes place in the UCR of Córdoba. Confluencia leaders form an opposition front Carlos Becerra (radical identity), Jorge Montoya and Jorge Sapia Stop the advance of Rodrigo de Loredo and his allies’ core “let’s do it all”.

This move makes sense. The ruling party warns that turning inward now represents a very dangerous move for Mestre. “Above all, he will be trapped by Peronism,” said a white beret, referring to the “real radicals” of Mario De Cala and Myrian Plutotto who were also gathered. said the opposition coalition.

Mestre is a representative of the National Council. “There’s nothing dramatic about him repeating this position,” said one Deloredista operator. However, the space mentioned in the deputy reserved the letter for negotiations with the Capital Council, currently in the hands of Diego Mestre. The names that began to be heard in the official sector did not change the ammeter. This was interpreted as a signal for negotiation.

Liberals in Córdoba enthusiastic but directionless?

That formula is not
Just days after the deadline for submitting candidate lists for last year’s provincial election, the current premier Martin Larriola he conveyed to her Natalia De LaSota She will not be his running mate. She was replaced by former Mayor Juarez Selman; Myrian Prunotto.

State representatives were clearly shocked by the situation, but there was no public reaction. Regardless, the news quickly spread across the political spectrum. For this reason, in juecismo, some people came up with an idea that some people think is a little crazy: adding Jose Manuel de la Sota Join the Civic Front and accompany Luis Juez in the equation. In the book Change Together, they tell the truth about the situation and say there was some contact, but that the leader ultimately rejected it and made a series of political and emotional arguments that kept her in Justice party, and she was a member of the party of her father.

Rodrigo’s second semester
After gaining national prominence, in the circles closest to the deputy Rodrigo de Loredo They knew it was time to get deeper into the territory. In his plan, the (former) evolutionist plans to deploy his agenda to various locations in the province.
In this way, DeLoredo put the battery to work on the territory during the second semester.

While debate in Congress focused on the agenda for political and electoral reform, the radical leaders decided to visit the interior of Córdoba. During the visit, they plan to set up working groups in various departments. They will not be militant-gated areas. Instead, the idea is Add allies and independents. This will be the second term, amidst the constant bombardment of the Popular Party, to exercise political strength and warm up the engines of the radical establishment to expand the ranks of the Cordobes party. The province is the focus of this battle.

With Bisoto escaping, PJ sees the end of the “hawks'” obstruction of “shared change”

Makeda’s anger over Amiyah incident
People attending an event at the Provincial Courthouse commemorating the 30th anniversary of the Amiyah attack were concerned when they heard someone in the audience begin to raise their voices.

It was the provincial legislator of “Let’s Change Together” who started talking loudly and very angry. Gregorio Hernandez Makedahe said it was a lack of respect to sit next to the Minister of Cooperatives and Mutual Aid Funds, Martin Gill.

“I’ve reported it everywhere and it’s unreasonable for them to take my side,” Makeda snarled. Some Justice leaders tried to de-escalate the situation and bring some peace, but this was impossible. Those who attended the event were also surprised because Jill didn’t move”, he did not answer or even look at his accuser.

Galperín, Millay’s most popular troll
In the world of Córdoba’s knowledge industry, Marcos Galperín is something of a hero because he was one of the founders of Mercado Libre, a company that today has a market capitalization of $29 billion.

In recent months, however, his high profile online defending President Javier Milley and his policies has led him to attack politicians and journalists. Over the past week, he has targeted Maria O’Donnell, whom he criticized for traveling to the United States to watch the America’s Cup, just as the president himself did at the time.

A local businessman from the IT industry didn’t let this post in. It was always the same, but now, with these opinions, it has become the most popular tool in Milei. He left another message, almost as if in passing: “There may be some sincerity in this support, but deep down, it has no clue…”

#Rise #Córdoba #Córdoba #Party #Food



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