Cordoba: what the metropolitan transport system launched by Llaryora and Passerini will look like

2024-09-02 15:58:00

governor Martin Larriola and the mayor Daniel Passerini On Monday, they presented Córdoba’s new metropolitan transportation system.

“This fulfills the commitment that Daniel and I made with all the people of Córdoba to create a new mode of transportation that will complement the two existing modes: urban and interurban,” explained the provincial leader.

LMost large corporate groups in the world have a third option, which is to connect urban transportation with intercity transportation to form metropolitan transportation.“, he added in the statement twelve people.

He also believes that the new model “will improve the quality of life of residents, just like what happens in most big cities or large conglomerates.”

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“We have some cities attached to Cordoba that don’t have any transportation. The intercity buses pass outside, but the city buses go almost to the door of that city. And the city man, because he is a city man, cannot enter. Intercity The bus, which neighbors often see, enters the city of Córdoba from many places, but it cannot carry passengers, even with two or three stops it can do so calmly, “said Llaryora.

Around the world, they have added buses, increased the possibility of city bus extensions or intercity buses charging within cities, thus being able to generate metropolitan traffic.covering all cities with more buses and improving the efficiency of passing buses that have routes but cannot pick up and drop off passengers,” the governor added.

He also insisted that urban agglomerations “reached the limits of many cities, and this was the first paradigm shift when entities were formed, and they were inaccessible” while maintaining “By building 10 more blocks, they can almost provide urban services to a city that currently doesn’t have them.”.

This is what is done in the world and this is what we are committed to achieving. one When do you plan to Version Medellin or Curitiba or any city in Europe or the United States realizes they have metropolitan transportation”take La Liola as an example.

For provincial leaders, the goal “is to increase efficiency and improve residents’ quality of life by opening up new services.”

“Of course, there is also the possibility of expedited service and a lot of the realities, from signing this agreement and of course getting the approval of the Legislature and the review committee, of what we are going to do,” he explained.

Projects sent to the council currently do not include specifications for a new tender. He concluded that the service will be “available through existing traffic or through groups dedicated to joining this new model, because the new frequencies, the new routes provide opportunities for companies that want to come and invest”.

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Mayor of Cordoba says “h“Today we actually signed an agreement to integrate intercity and urban systems into metropolitan transportation.”.

“This opportunity for integration is related to the realities that public transportation systems are experiencing. The compensation fund no longer exists and it is clearly our responsibility, the people of Córdoba, to resolve this issue.Passerini emphasized.

“We have had discussions with the governor about payment tools and we will take advantage of some of the opportunities that we have to innovate. The verification of transportation today will allow all users to pay in all forms of payment methods, which is really important and makes a lot of sense.

He then continued: “In addition, the new system will allow us to integrate services and create investment opportunities that we are also investing with the province to provide sustainable transportation.”

sustainable transportation

We will now use CNG powered vehicles. We designed a circuit so that in the city center area we have the opportunity to get more electric transport in.”, he said in another part of the interview with Cordoba Channel.

“We want modern, efficient and sustainable transportation”Passerini assured. He reiterated, “The system will only subsidize demand, which is something the province has always supported and we will get the job done.”

Finally, he recognized that “the great will of all metropolitan mayors must validate this step we are taking.” “We hope to see results in the short term”the mayor concluded.

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