Copy Virgina Troconis’ homemade trick to deflate the belly in the morning

If you ask a celebrity what she does to lose weight, her answer will be blunt: I drink water with lemon on an empty stomach every day. That’s probably one of the tricks of beauty most popular with celebrities worldwide. It is a popular home remedy that has as many supporters as detractors. Some nutritional experts say that this trick has no scientific evidence that endorses it and, therefore, it is useless and is just one more myth. However, those who do take it daily say that it helps to lose weight and cleanse the body. But, although science does not recognize its slimming power, lemon water does give us other good things. For example, it is a good way to hydrate ourselves as soon as we get up, something that our body needs following the hours of sleep in which we have not consumed liquids. On the other hand, lemon is a fruit rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber, and the latter helps improve digestion. Of course, one of the star properties of lemon lies in its composition of vitamin C, which is a powerful anti-inflammatory that helps prevent chronic diseases. However, today we want to write regarding the new detox trick that Virgina Troconis repeat, religiously, every day: take a ginger and lemon tea. [lista_enlaces] [/lista_enlaces]

The benefits of ginger and lemon tea, the infallible trick of Virgina Troconis to wake up deflated

On her Instagram account, the woman from Manuel Diaz ‘El Cordobes’ He has confessed that he drinks a ginger tea with lemon to start the day. A digestive blend that has loads of health benefits. It can help you, for example, to stimulate metabolism to make it easier to lose weight and reduce abdominal inflammation or, it is also recommended to strengthen the immune system, due to its high content of vitamin C; and to improve stomach pain and heartburn. In addition to everything mentioned above, thanks to ginger, it is good for relieving muscle pain; fruit of its powerful antioxidant benefits. Without forgetting one of its best-known benefits to relieve flu symptoms and the common cold.

Ginger infusion with lemon: how to prepare it?

Its preparation is so simple that it will not take you more than ten minutes. One of the best options to prepare it is in an infusion like Virginia does. Write down the ingredients:

  • 1 piece of ginger root, without skin.
  • 1 cup of water (200 ml).
  • The juice of half a lemon.
  • Honey (to taste).

Cut the ginger into slices. Then, boil water and add the ginger and lemon juice. When the water reaches the boiling point, let it sit for regarding ten minutes. Then, serve it hot with a slice of lemon and if you want, sweeten it with a drizzle of honey.

When to take the infusion?

Depending on what you are looking for. If you want to speed up metabolism to burn fat faster way, yours is teat it in the morning. It is also advisable to drink a cup before meals. If consumed following eating, it relieves flatulence. Finally, if you want more and better rest, drink it at night before going to sleep.



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