Coping with drug shortages

2024-07-31 14:50:18

As part of the roadmap work launching in February 2023 Fighting shortages When formulating plans for health products for the period 2024-2027, the ministers responsible for health and industry announced the development of a list of “essential” medicines, prioritizing their supply to guarantee the quality of care for the French. Its aim is to serve as a basis for prioritizing shortage management measures planned in the final roadmap proposed by ministers in February 2024.

The first version of this list contains 450 Essential medicines Released in June 2023. this page.

A list of so-called “essential” medicines The General Directorate of Health, updated annually, was launched in 2023 by the ministers responsible for health and industry as part of efforts aimed at strengthening anticipatory capacities to respond to shortages of medicines.

_internal_>_Fight_against_medication_shortages>_Shortage_roadmap_-_List_of_essential_medications’,’actionmode’, ”, ‘actionlabel’, ‘download,internal,content,link,,custom_event’,’actionpname’, ‘componmdlabel’, ‘componentdel’, ‘Pvalue.List Basic Drugs’,’actionpname’, ‘component_value’, ‘actionpvalue’, ” https:=””>_Fight_against_the_shortages_of_medications>_Roadmap_shortages_-_List_of_essential_medications’])” class=”spip_in” title=”P. /pdf”>

_internal_>_Fight_against_medication_shortages>_Shortage_roadmap_-_List_of_essential_medications’,’actionmode’, ”, ‘actionlabel’, ‘download,internal,content,link,,custom_event’,’actionpname’, ‘componmdlabel’, ‘componentdel’, ‘Pvalue.List Basic Drugs’,’actionpname’, ‘component_value’, ‘actionpvalue’, ” https:=””>_Fight_against_the_medication_shortages>_Roadmap_shortages_-_List_of_essential_medications’])” class=”spip_in” type=”appli_of_essential_medications’])” class=”spip_in” type =”appli_incation”pdf/clication>It is worth noting that, under the coordination of the French Society of Anesthesia and Resuscitation (SFAR), the French Society of Clinical Pharmacy (SFPC) and “OMEDIT PACA Corsica”, prescribers through academic associations and national professional committees The result of rigorous work. Medications listed in the Department of Health’s Public Health Program are also included.

It is based on advice from scientific authorities and is a prerequisite for countries to prioritize actions and allocate resources to respond to supply constraints. In this list, specific measures will be taken to better guarantee the supply of these medicines: strengthen monitoring of supply capacity and analytical tools to best predict shortages, take necessary corrective actions to ensure that demand is met, good use measures , and also perform some of these relocation operations.


#Coping #drug #shortages



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