2024-01-12 17:38:03
You may feel frightened when you find out you have cancer. Some people say they felt anxious, afraid or stressed when they were first diagnosed. If you’re not sure what to do to cope, here are 11 ideas to help you deal with the news that you have cancer.
Learn factual information regarding a cancer diagnosis
Try to get as much basic and useful information as possible. This will help you make decisions regarding your care.
Write down the questions and concerns you have. Bring it with you when you visit the doctor.
You can ask the following questions:
- What type of cancer do I have?
- Where is cancer found?
- Has it spread?
- Can my cancer be cured?
- What are my chances of being cured of cancer?
- What other tests or medical procedures do I need to have?
- What treatment options are available to me?
- What benefit will I get from treatment?
- What can I expect during treatment?
- What are the side effects of treatment?
- When should I contact the doctor?
- What can I do to prevent cancer from recurring?
- What is the risk of my children and other family members getting cancer?
- What happens if I don’t receive treatment?
Consider taking a family member or friend with you to your first few medical appointments. It may help you remember what the doctor says.
Think regarding how much information you want to know regarding your type of cancer. Some people want to know all the facts and details. This helps them participate in the decision-making process. While others just want to know the basics and leave the details and decisions to doctors. So consider which option is best for you. Tell your health care team which choice you prefer.
Keep the lines of communication open
Maintain open, mutual communication between you and your loved ones, your doctors, and others. You may feel lonely if those around you try to protect you from bad news by not talking regarding it. Or you may feel lonely or unsupported if you try to act tough and don’t share your feelings. If you and others show your true feelings, you can support each other.
Anticipate possible physical changes
The best time to plan to make changes to your body is the time immediately following a cancer diagnosis and before treatment begins. Prepare yourself now so you can deal with anything later.
Ask your doctor what might change. Medications may cause hair loss. Then expert advice on clothing, cosmetics, wigs and hair extensions can help you feel more comfortable and attractive. Insurance often covers the cost of wigs and other adaptive tools.
Consider joining a cancer support group. Group members can offer advice that has already helped them and others.
Also consider how treatment will impact your daily life. Ask your doctor whether or not you will be able to continue your usual routine. You may need to spend time in the hospital or attend several medical appointments. If treatment will make it difficult to perform daily tasks, arrange for this.
Plan ahead with your finances. And look for someone who will perform routine household chores. If you have pets, have someone take care of them.
Maintain a healthy lifestyle
Adopting a healthy lifestyle helps raise energy levels. So make sure to choose a healthy diet. And get enough rest. These tips will help you manage the stress and fatigue caused by cancer and its treatments.
Make sure to follow a consistent daily routine if you can. Set aside some time every day to exercise, get enough sleep, and eat meals.
You may also benefit from exercising and participating in activities you enjoy. People who exercise during treatment improve their resistance to side effects, in addition to potentially increasing their lifespan.
Accept the help of friends and family
Friends and family can run errands, accompany you to medical appointments, prepare meals, and help you with household chores. This can give those who care regarding you a way to help during difficult times.
Also urge your family to accept help when they need it. There is no doubt that a cancer diagnosis affects the entire family. It also increases stress, especially among those responsible for your care. Also, accepting help from neighbors or friends in preparing meals or doing household chores can help loved ones not feel completely exhausted.
Review your goals and priorities
Find out what’s really important in your life. Make time for the activities that are most important to you and give your life the most meaning. Look at your calendar and delete activities that don’t meet your goals.
Try to be open with people close to you. Share your thoughts and feelings with them. Cancer affects all your relationships. Communication can help reduce the anxiety and fear that cancer may cause.
Try to maintain your lifestyle
Maintain your lifestyle, but be flexible regarding changing it. Deal with things as they happen instead of worrying regarding the future. This simple strategy can be easily forgotten during stressful times. When the future is uncertain, organizing and planning can cause a feeling of additional burden.
Estimate how the diagnosis will affect your financial situation
You can face many unexpected financial problems following a cancer diagnosis. Treatment may require taking time off work or staying away from home. Take into account the costs of medications, medical devices, travel for treatment, and hospital parking fees.
But many clinics and hospitals have a list of resources that can support you financially during and following cancer treatment. Talk to your health care team regarding your options.
Questions you can ask include:
- Will I have to take time off work? If you do, what happens with the benefits?
- Will my friends and family need to take time off from work to be with me?
- Will the insurance company pay for these treatments?
- Will the insurance company cover the costs of medications?
- How much will I need to pay?
- If the insurance company does not pay for my treatment, are there programs to help?
- Am I eligible for disability benefits?
- How does my diagnosis affect life insurance?
- Who do I contact to talk regarding what the insurance company will cover?
Talk to other people with cancer
It may be difficult for people who have never had cancer to understand how you feel. It may help to talk to people who have been in the same situation as you. Other cancer survivors can share their experiences with you. They can tell you what to expect during treatment.
Talk to a friend or family member who has previously had cancer. Or connect with other cancer survivors through support groups. You can ask your doctor regarding support groups in your area. You can also contact your local American Cancer Society chapter. Online messaging platforms also bring cancer survivors together. You can start by contacting the American Cancer Society’s Cancer Survivors Network.
Contact friends or neighbors who have previously been seriously ill. Ask them how they deal with these complex problems.
Confront wrong thoughts
Some old misconceptions regarding cancer still exist today. Friends may wonder if cancer is contagious. Co-workers may doubt that you are healthy enough to do your job. Some people may avoid you because they are afraid to say inappropriate words. You will find many questions and concerns.
Determine how you will deal with others, and you will generally find that others will follow you in what you do. Remind your friends that cancer doesn’t have to make them afraid to be around you.
Improve your ways of dealing with cancer
Just as the way cancer is treated varies from person to person, so too do the ways to deal with it. You can try these suggestions:
- Practice ways to relax.
- Share your feelings honestly with family, friends, or people you trust.
- Keep a daily journal to help organize your thoughts.
- When faced with a difficult decision, make a list of the pros and cons of each choice.
- Find a source of spiritual support.
- Make time to be alone.
- Stay engaged at work and participate in recreational activities as much as you can.
- Be prepared to say no. It’s time to focus on you.
What helped you through difficult times before your cancer diagnosis can help relieve anxiety now. This may include a close friend, religious leader, or favorite activity. Resort to things that feel good now. You should also be open to trying new strategies for dealing with cancer.
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