Coparmex: “Deep concern” over INAI’s disappearance

MEXICO CITY.- Given the progress of the reform for the disappearance of autonomous organizations, the Employers’ Confederation of the Mexican Republic (Coparmex) expressed “deep concern.”

In particular, he warned about the consequences of the disappearance of the National Institute for Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data (INAI).

“The autonomy of the processes that have been carried out before public and private authorities to defend the human rights of access to information and protection of citizens’ personal data is affected.”

They ask to reconsider the reform to eliminate the INAI

In conjunction with civil organizations such as the National Citizen Observatory A call was made to rethink the reform on organic simplification, that intends to disappear Henna.

Coparmex considered that the current reform undermines democratic checks and balances and makes accountability, transparency, the fight against corruption and the protection of personal data impossible.

“INAI has played an essential role in guaranteeing these fundamental rights for more than two decades,” he said.

“Beyond promoting the elimination and disappearance of democratic controls,” what is needed are rigorous mechanisms that ensure the INAI’s autonomy and independence.

Mechanisms are also needed to ensure that the Institute has the best profiles for its work and can improve its processes for the benefit of Mexicans.

For this reason, they ask the Congress of the Union rethink the initiative to implement administrative reforms that contribute to having a better INAI, “that makes its function more robust and makes it more efficient.”

This is in place of the reform that “seeks to eliminate its institutional value, violating the progress of more than two decades in terms of transparency, the fight against corruption and the protection of personal data in our country.”

You can read the full statement below:

#Coparmex #Deep #concern #INAIs #disappearance
2024-09-04 14:24:36



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