“COP28 President’s Ambitious Plans for Climate Action: Transforming the World with Real Solutions”

2023-05-02 11:42:00

BERLIN, 2nd May, 2023 (WAM) — Today, in a speech at the Petersberg Climate Dialogue in Berlin, Dr. Sultan bin Ahmed Al Jaber, Minister of Industry and Advanced Technologies and President-designate of COP28 , presented its major ambitions for COP28. Its aspirations are a call for transformative action and strong results under the work program on reducing emissions, the global goal on adaptation and doubling adaptation finance, the work program on the just transition, the new collective quantified target on climate finance, and the implementation of the loss and damage fund and finance agreements.

“We want the UAE COP28 to be remembered for bringing everyone together in action,” said Al Jaber, stressing his commitment and the need to bring everyone together around the table, especially the young people, women, indigenous peoples, NGOs and countries of the South.

The Petersberg Climate Dialogue is an annual meeting organized by the German government with the aim of building confidence in multilateral and state-to-state negotiations. It provides a platform between COP27 and COP28 for parties and groups to share their views on the priorities for the upcoming UN Climate Conference or Conference of the Parties, more commonly referred to as the COP.

Dr. Al Jaber remarked that while “what happens in the negotiation process is critically important, we need to follow up what is agreed in the negotiated text with concrete action in the real world. And that means countries and cities, investors, industries and businesses of all kinds must all take action. During COP28, I look forward to ambitious, transparent and accountable commitments from countries and organizations that will guide the policies of parliaments and the budgets of administrative boards”.

He called on delegates to “Stop the delays and start delivering the goods. Let’s turn passion into real solutions,” saying “The world demands transformative progress. The world needs transformational action.”

Dr. Al Jaber said: “We have just passed the seven-year mark since the adoption of the Paris Agreement, and there are only seven years left before 2030. Seven years to reduce emissions by 43% and maintain the ambitions of the Paris Agreement”, adding that “the latest IPCC report has already made it clear that we are far from the mark. This is a moment of clarity that we must face in all honesty. The message is clear. Our respective responsibilities are clear. And it is time for us to accept certain realities. We have no choice but to be realistic. We must come together and seize the opportunity of the global stocktake to put the world on the right way to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement.

“We need to step up cross-sector progress on reducing greenhouse gas emissions. We need to ensure that countries have the right resources and plans in place to adapt to the effects of climate. accelerator to climate finance, making it more available, more accessible and more cost-effective, in order to foster the implementation of all the climate pillars.While doing all this, we must ensure a fair and just transition that does not leave no one behind”.

Since his appointment as President-Elect in January 2022, Dr. Al Jaber and the COP28 leadership team have proactively engaged in a listening tour, during which he has heard many voices from across the South, major economies, indigenous peoples, NGOs, youth, civil society and the business community.

“I have heard loud and clear that to achieve all of this we will need to address issues of trust. Expectations are high and trust is low. Developing countries are still waiting for the $100 billion promised by developed countries there is 14. This is holding back progress and, as part of my outreach, I am calling on donor countries to provide an outstanding final report on meeting this commitment by COP28. political part of the UNFCCC process, that donors fulfill this long-awaited obligation before COP28…especially since the real value of this commitment has diminished over time.

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“During my meetings with ministers of climate, finance and development of the countries of the South, I constantly hear that financing for the fight against climate change is far from being available, accessible or affordable at a level IFIs and MDBs are not up to the challenges of the 21st century. That is why we need tangible progress this year on reform that will mobilize much more concessional finance, mitigate the risks and attract more private capital,” he said.

“Governments that have made commitments to vulnerable and developing countries must deliver on them. If the world does not put in place effective mechanisms to finance the fight against climate change in developing countries and emerging economies , they will have no choice but to opt for carbon-intensive development.This is an outcome we want to avoid, simply because it is in no one’s interest.

“As part of a pragmatic, just and well-managed energy transition, we must focus on phasing out fossil fuel emissions, while building zero-carbon alternatives that are viable and affordable. We know that the energies used today will continue to be part of the global energy mix for the foreseeable future, which is why we will work with the world to decarbonize the current energy system while building a new system capable of transitioning most emitting industries,” Al Jaber added.

He stressed that “COP28 must also provide tangible solutions to help people adapt to climate change and manage growing climate impacts. This is why we will be the first COP to dedicate a day to health and the first to host a ministerial meeting on health and climate”.

“We need to broaden our definition of adaptation to enable global climate resilience, transform food systems and improve forest, land use and water management. Our COP will also be a space for innovative solutions to nature. We must continue to safeguard natural carbon sinks such as rainforests and mangroves, protect biodiversity and work closely with indigenous peoples to preserve natural ecosystems.”

Al Jaber concluded by saying, “This year, the year of the global stocktake, we have an unprecedented opportunity to turn policies into concrete results. Let’s end the delays and start delivering the goods. Let’s turn passion into pragmatic solutions. to polarization and strengthen partnerships. There are times in history when humanity unites to fight against a common threat…Let us unite in solidarity for the good of humanity. Let us live up to the responsibility entrusted to us. Let us restore the political credibility of the legal agreements that we have not yet respected. Let us work together to develop an ambitious agenda and a practical action-oriented plan for 2030. . Unite a divided world for the planet, for our people and for sustainable development. The world demands transformational progress. The world needs transformational action.”

Katia El Hayek

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