COP27: Egypt makes an “unacceptable” proposal in the eyes of the EU


COP27Egypt makes proposal ‘unacceptable’ in EU eyes

According to the entourage of the French Minister for Energy Transition, the Egyptian presidency called into question the Paris and Glasgow agreements, provoking the indignation of the EU.

Negotiations overflowed for at least a day on Saturday, when they were officially due to end on Friday.


The European Union rejects an “unacceptable” proposal from the Egyptian Presidency of COP27 on climate. This would lead to questioning past commitments on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, a French government source said on Saturday.

“At this stage, the Egyptian presidency calls into question the achievements of Paris and Glasgow on the drop in emissions. This is unacceptable for France and the countries of the EU”, it was said in the entourage of the French Minister for Energy Transition, Agnès Pannier-Runacher.

Difficult negotiations

A cornerstone of the fight once morest climate change, the 2015 Paris Agreement aims to limit global warming to “well below 2°C” compared to the pre-industrial era, and if possible to 1.5° vs. This ambition was reaffirmed at COP26 in Glasgow last year.

“The problem is that the Egyptian presidency is trying to pass a text that would lift the obligations of states to regularly raise the targets for reducing emissions to reach 1.5 degrees”, it was explained in the entourage of the minister. . Negotiations are tough at COP27 in Egypt this year and boiled over for at least a day on Saturday, when they were officially due to end on Friday evening.




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