COP 28 meeting begins today in Dubai: 200 countries including Pakistan

30 November (from today) in Dubai, United Arab Emirates cup 28 session is starting in which Pakistan Including 200 countries have been invited to participate.

According to the office of the Prime Minister of Pakistan, the Caretaker Prime Minister of Pakistan Anwar-ul-Haq Kakar has arrived in Dubai to attend the meeting.

At the Expo Center in Dubai United Nations This meeting organized by ‘Framework on Climate Change’ Environmental change It is a very important annual conference.

In this global conference, which will continue between November 30 and December 12, the leaders of 197 countries of the world will consider recommendations and proposals to deal with the threats posed by climate change to the planet.

Cup 28 In addition to making the COP Forum acceptable to all, the achievement of the goals of the ‘Paris Agreement’ will also be reviewed.

In addition, COP 28 will set targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 through the use of alternative energy sources.

During the COP 28 held in Egypt last year, a ‘Loss and Damage Fund’ was established to give money from the rich countries to the affected poor countries to avoid climate change, but it has not yet been determined that under this fund Which countries will pay whom and how much?

During COP 28, the 24 member states of the convention will work together on the procedure for which countries should pay how much to whom for which damages.

Pakistan’s Expectations from Cop 28

All the countries and regions, including Pakistan, which are affected by the disasters caused by climate change despite not emitting the fuels and other gases that cause climate change, are waiting for some good news for themselves from this conference. .

According to Dr. Ghulam Rasool, the representative of Pakistan in the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the former head of the Pakistan Meteorological Department, “Pakistan is one of the countries severely affected by climate change, and during this conference, Pakistan should inform the world about climate change.” There is a need to inform about the calamities.

According to Dr. Ghulam Rasool, “Pakistan should inform the international community during COP 28 about the disasters that Pakistan is facing due to climate change.” These include floods or glacier leak-out burst floods, floods, sea level rise, heat waves, landslides in the northern regions after the snow and frozen glaciers melt and turn into lakes due to rising temperatures.

Talking to Independent Urdu, Dr. Ghulam Rasool said that the floods of 2010 and 2022 in Pakistan were major natural disasters in the country’s history. Pakistan has to tell the international community during this conference that the international community made big promises to Pakistan during these disasters, but still only 33% of these promises have been received by Pakistan.

He said that this matter needs to be told to the international community. Climate change is affecting Pakistan’s economy because Pakistan has to continue working on its adaptation and mitigation plans in any case. Therefore, it is very important for the international community to fulfill its commitments.

What should Pakistan demand from Cope 28?

In response to this question, Dr. Ghulam Rasool said that ‘Pakistan should make the biggest demand from COP 28 for technology transfer. Technology requires global community partnerships. So that the technology of developed countries can be made by local companies. To help address Pakistan’s adaptation and mitigation projects.

Therefore, this time Pakistan’s biggest demand should be on technology transfer and global partnership.

What should Pakistan expect during CoP 28?

In response to this question, Dr. Ghulam Rasool said: ‘Keep one thing in mind that the international community will not pay cash to Pakistan under any circumstances. These are the different forums of Global Finance for Climate Change. He should present an effective proposal to Pakistan in such a way that Pakistan can get a substantial share from the Global Finance for Climate Change.

Pakistan’s Federal Ministry of Planning has said in its recent statement that Pakistan is fully prepared to present its case at COP-28 and further align Pakistan with the Sustainable Future Framework for COP-28 under this case. what is

What is Coop Conference and when is it being held?

The Conference of the Parties or COP is the supreme decision-making platform of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

UN Climate Change Conference Website According to the ‘Framework Convention on Climate Change’ was established in March 1994 and this convention was created to prevent ‘dangerous’ human interference with the planet’s ecosystems.

Under this convention, reducing the emission of gases that cause climate change is to reduce the temperature of the planet.

This section contains related reference points (Related Nodes field).

Since 1995, the Convention has organized the ‘Conference of the Parties’ or Coop Conference. The first meeting of the COP was held in March 1995 in Berlin, Germany.

Almost all countries of the world are members or parties to the Framework Convention on Climate Change. At present, 198 states are members or parties to the Convention. These members or parties are countries that have signed the United Nations Convention on Climate Change in 1992.

All these states are also represented by the Coop. During this annual meeting or COP, all parties to the convention or member states review the guidelines of the convention and ensure the implementation of these decisions.

The Coop’s secretariat is in the German city of Bonn. In principle, the meeting of the COP is to be held at the central secretariat, but if a member state offers to host the meeting, the meeting can be convened there.

After 1995, the offer to host a COP meeting by member states has become a tradition.

The 21st meeting or COP 21 of this world conference held in Paris, France in 2015 is considered a historic meeting. During which the ‘Paris Agreement’ was established.

The Paris Agreement is an international agreement to reduce the effects of climate change that is legally binding on countries around the world.

This international agreement was approved by 196 countries with consent.

According to this agreement, by 2050, the temperature of the planet should not exceed 2 degrees Celsius above the temperature before the industrial revolution, and preferably the temperature should be limited to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

According to the AFP news agency, US President Joe Biden will not participate in the COP conference this time.

According to the schedule released by the White House, neither US President Joe Biden nor Vice President Kamala Harris is traveling to Dubai this week.

This year, around 70 thousand people are expected to participate in this conference, including Pope Francis.

#COP #meeting #begins #today #Dubai #countries #including #Pakistan
2024-09-24 16:34:14



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