Cooperation for Diabetes Prevention and Health Promotion in the Province of Chaco

2023-09-18 22:27:48

Within the framework of the “Impenetrable Project”, the Memorandum of Understanding-MoU- was signed last Friday the 15th between the Ministry of Public Health of the province of Chaco, the Faculty of Medicine of the National University of the Northeast (UNNE), the Society Argentina of Diabetes (SAD), the Argentine Diabetes Federation (FAD) and Novo Nordisk Pharma Argentina SA

The signing of the commitment between the parties was carried out with the representatives of each of them. For the Ministry of Public Health of the province of Chaco, Paula Andrea Sartor signed in her capacity as Undersecretary of Health Promotion; for the Faculty of Medicine, the dean, Professor Mario Germán Pagno; while the Argentine Diabetes Society was represented at this event by Martín Rodríguez, the Argentine Diabetes Federation by Judit Adela Laufer and Novo Nordisk Pharma Argentina SA, by Carlos Alberto Otheguy in his capacity as representative.

The purpose of this MoU is to establish a link of cooperation for the joint implementation of different activities aimed at promoting health in the Province of Chaco. This involves raising awareness, providing education and promoting diabetes prevention and healthy habits, with special attention to the population with diabetes that lives in the “Impenetrable Chaqueño.”

What is sought with this project is to promote the right to Comprehensive Health of individuals, families, groups and communities, aiming at equitable access and equitable use of services, avoiding and compensating for social and regional inequalities within the territory. and adapting the health response to diverse needs.

“With all this, we will ensure that the population has access to all the information related to collective health and individual health with regard to Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases (NCCD), including Diabetes, considered one of the most frequent pathologies. at this time, with severe complications as a consequence of its underdiagnosis and poor metabolic control.”

To facilitate joint activities, the Ministry of Health appoints Patricia Candia, the UNNE Faculty of Medicine, Silvia Gorban de Lapertosa, the SAD, Silvia Gorban de Lapertosa, the FAD, Judit Laufer, and Novo Nordisk, Leonardo Ortega, as focal point. , for contacts and coordination in the implementation of the different actions.

Source: UNNE Media.

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