“Cooper” appeared, the dismembered businessman’s dog, and they believe it could lead to the murderers

2023-07-30 16:46:50

The businessman’s French bulldog Fernando Perez Algaba (41), whose dismembered remains They were found a week ago in a stream in the town of Engineer Budgeappeared in the last few hours wandering in an area of Villa Luganoconfirmed police sources.

The puppy was found by a woman who contacted a person close to the victim, who was the one who finally handed it over to the Departmental Directorate of Investigations (DDI) of Lomas de Zamorawhich carries out the investigation of the businessman’s crime.

According to the different testimonies collected in the case, the victim was always accompanied by “Cooper”was his regular partner, and as one version points out that once Pérez Algaba claimed to have put a chip in him to track his movementsthe researchers now want to delve into the subject to see if this chip actually exists and, if so, if it has information that might be of key importance in the cause.

It happens that if Pérez Algaba went with the dog to the place where he was killed, this information might be a very important advance in trying to begin to discover the plot that led to his atrocious end, dismembered and thrown into a stream in Budge.

Businessman Pérez Algaba in one of his cars with his dog Cooper.

The remains of Pérez Algaba, nicknamed “Lechuga”, were found among the Sunday 23 and Monday 24 July in a stream of Engineer Budge. According to the sources, his identification was possible from the different tattoos he had on his body.

The main clue handled by investigators points to a cheap mobile, although no one rules out other motivations. The victim, who did business with cryptocurrencies and for many years was dedicated to buying and selling cars, had been threatened by money debts.

“Cross me, kill me”: the shocking audio between the dismembered businessman and a Boca bar

Among the people mentioned, stand out two subjects linked to the Boca barwho in recent days spontaneously appeared before the intervening prosecutor’s office and denied any connection to the murder.

For now, the detectives seek to reconstruct the movements of the businessman before he disappeared. What is known is that he was last seen alive on Tuesday, July 18, in the General Rodríguez areawhere he apparently delivered his Land Rover van.

Pérez Algaba was living in Barcelona but he had returned to Argentina to, presumably, make various real estate investments. In fact, his brother Rodolfo, a partner in one of his companies, assured that they followed him when he went to look for a sum of money. “They killed him for money,” he understood, toning down the versions that point to a mafia crime or a settling of scores for the alleged financial debts he had.

Fernando Perez Algaba, aka
Fernando Perez Algaba.

key statement

In between tomorrow and Tuesday August 1 will be quoted to declare Nicole Alma Chamorro, the only person who remains in custody for the brutal murder of the businessman. The trans woman, who lived on the streets and was pointed out by her own family as the owner of that suitcase, is staying in the Departmental Warden Roberto Pettinato of the city of La Plata. She is accused of the crime of “homicide”.

According to what his defense attorney told PROFILE, Marcelo Poncealready presented the request for the investigative statement before the criminal investigation prosecutor, Marcelo Domínguez. “She – by Chamorro – has not declared yet. We think that she will be summoned between Monday or Tuesday ”, added the lawyer. “The figure that is foisted on him is homicide, but the only link is the issue of the suitcase, although she never had access, “he said.

Chamorro was arrested last week following the trail of the red suitcase, since inside the investigators they found four DNI. The documents belonged to different relatives of the woman, and they would have been the ones who apparently said that Chamorro was the owner of the suitcase.


#Cooper #appeared #dismembered #businessmans #dog #lead #murderers



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