Convention generally approved 28 of the 36 articles of Forms of State

The Plenary of the Constitutional Convention approved in general the first article of the 36 contained in the report of the Commission Forms of Statefocused on the role of the regions and decentralization.

This section states that Chile is a regional, multinational and intercultural State and obtained 112 upvotesexceeding the required two-thirds quorum, that is, 103 votes.

Another marathon session ended after 01:40 hours and, in total, 28 of the 36 articles emanating from the commission will be voted on in particular this Friday.

On the other hand, among aspects that have generated the most controversy was the article that establishes and regulates a Regional Legislative Assembly -new autonomous popular representative body-, which finally got 100 supports, so it will go back to the source instance.

In this line, there was criticism of the Communist Party, since three of its constituents voted against, that is, the three votes that were needed to achieve two thirds. Mark Barrazaone of those dissenting votes, explained that “We do not share the thesis that in Chile there are 16 different congresses, and that this leads to differentiated legislation by region. If we had approved regulations that establish that, it could give the contradiction that social rights were not universal in all regions, and in that we are not available “.

“We want some regional assembly to exist that has normative powers, but we don’t believe in the collision of congresses,” he added. However, the constituent and coordinator of said commission, Jeniffer Mellareplied that “the call is to talk also with the comrades of the Communist Party, convince them, invite them and also a little to abandon these centralist logics of exercising power”.

Constance Hube (UDI), for its part, explained that “because several of the articles related to legislative assemblies were rejected, but the legislative assembly in the first articles is presentwhich means that it is highly probable that whoever is going to vote on the content of that will be Commission number 1, but that does not mean that the regional legislative assemblies, which of course are not a solution so that the regions can influence decisions nationals has been rejected”.

Along with this, seven other articles must be reviewed back in committee, which has a 15-day period to issue a report with possible modifications.


  • Article 1 – Regional, plurinational and intercultural State – Passed with 112 votes in favor
  • Article 2 – Autonomous territorial entities – Passed with 103 votes in favor
  • Article 3 – Chile forms a single and indivisible territory – Passed with 128 votes in favor
  • Article 4 – The Chilean husband – Passed with 111 votes in favor
  • Article 5 – Autonomy of territorial entities – Passed with 111 votes in favor
  • Article 6 – Solidarity, cooperation and territorial associativity in the Regional State – Passed with 141 votes in favor
  • Article 7 – Of the participation in the territorial entities in the Regional State – Passed with 116 votes in favor
  • Article 8 – Territorial development – Passed with 120 votes in favor
  • Article 9 – Equity, solidarity and territorial justice – Passed with 146 votes in favor
  • Article 10 – Regarding plurinationality and interculturality in the Regional State – Passed with 115 votes in favor
  • Article 11 – Of the application and cessation to the positions of the territorial entities – Passed with 117 votes in favor
  • Article 12 – Principle of non-tutelage between territorial entities – Passed with 146 votes in favor
  • Article 13 – Correspondence between competences and resources – Passed with 149 votes in favor
  • Article 14 – Jurisdiction issues – Passed with 139 votes in favor
  • Article 15 – Freedom of movement between territorial entities – Passed with 125 votes in favor
  • Article 16 – Preferential filing of powers – Passed with 129 votes in favor
  • Article 17 – Territorial differentiation – Passed with 151 votes in favor
  • Article 18 – Of the autonomous regions – Passed with 109 votes in favor
  • Article 19 – Residual clause, that is, powers not expressly attributed to the State may correspond to autonomous regions – Rejected with 87 votes in favor
  • Article 20 – Of the Regional Statute – Passed with 105 votes in favor
  • Article 21 – Of the elaboration, approval and reform of the Regional Statute – Passed with 107 votes in favor
  • Article 22 – Of the regional authorities – Passed with 111 votes in favor
  • Article 23 – Of the Regional Government – Passed with 116 votes in favor
  • Article 24 – Council of Mayors and Mayoresses – Passed with 142 votes in favor
  • Article 25 – Of the Regional Legislative Assembly – Rejected with 100 votes in favor
  • Article 26 – Of the Regional Social Council – Passed with 110 votes in favor
  • Article 27 – Of the competences of the autonomous region – Passed with 109 votes in favor
  • Article 28 – Entities with jurisdiction over the entire territory – Passed with 113 votes in favor
  • Article 29 – Council of Governors – Passed with 109 votes in favor
  • Article 30 – Of the Ministries and Public Services – Rejected with 82 votes in favor
  • Article 31 – Exclusive powers of the Regional Legislative Assembly – Rejected with 100 votes in favor
  • Article 32 – Exclusive jurisdiction of regional legislation – Rejected with 102 votes in favor
  • Article 33 – Of the concurrent legislative competences – Rejected with 82 votes in favor
  • Article 34 – Regional legislation – Rejected with 102 votes in favor
  • Article 35 – Of the exclusive powers of the Regional Government – Passed with 104 votes in favor
  • Article 36 – Control and supervision – Rejected with 88 votes in favor
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For this Thursday, after 3:00 p.m., the voting of the 18 indications entered into the norms already approved in general on Justice Systems.

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