Controversy Surrounding Andrea Vera, Javier Milei’s Candidate for Mayor of Moreno: Accusations of Medical Mispractice and Unregistered Practice

2023-10-06 19:43:00

The judicial situation of Javier Milei’s candidate for mayor of Moreno, Andrea Vera, who was denounced for practicing medicine without registration It got complicated in the last few hours. The residents of the Buenos Aires town claim that the woman organized “medical fairs” in different neighborhoods to win votes and create content on her social networks.

After learning of several cases of malpractice, misdiagnoses and incorrectly prescribed medicationsit was possible to corroborate that Vera did not appear in the medical registration registry and attended in his office, but signed with the seal of another doctor.

In the Argenzuela program by C5N revealed the data that “Indeed, she never obtained her medical degree at the Universidad Austral de Pilar, it was never received”. “We have confirmed the information with university authorities,” said journalist Diego Gabriele.

Vera Villaruel

In addition, they released spots from the “operations in the neighborhoods” that Vera organized and promoted on her social networks. “The neighbors can be sure that every Saturday there will be an operation, the idea is for them to come“she might be heard saying.

He even assured that those who began to receive care, “We will now have your medical history scheduled and we will be able to follow up”.

Who is Andrea Vera

Andrea Vera is the daughter of the leader Ramón “the baby” Vera, who was a candidate for mayor in the town representing Peronism. On her social networks, Andrea presented herself as a doctor and used to denounce the lack of appointments at a Moreno hospital to criticize the mayor’s management. Mariel Fernandez at the same time as showing their solidarity medical actions.

Among the highlights of his Instagram he shared a video where his group “Young Republicans” is seen vandalizing the subway station Rodolfo Walsh with posters that treat the journalist murdered by the last dictatorship as a “murderer.”

Like what the presidential formula of La Libertad Avanza maintains, for Vera, Memory, Truth and Justice should be “complete” by paying the theory of the two demons.

The woman is 29 years old and claims figures such as Julio Argentino Roca, Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump that are hanging there.

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