Controversy over a tweet by the Metro director in favor of evasion in 2019 | National

It is nothing new that old tweets from different political figures come out on social networks, as happened this Tuesday to the director of Metro, Nicolás Valenzuela. In the publication, which he deleted from his account, he alluded to the evasion in transport within the framework of the social outbreak. Even the UDI congressional bench called on the government to demand Valenzuela’s resignation.

This morning an old tweet from the current director of Metro, Nicolás Valenzuela Levi, was revived, where he wrote “evade, not pay, another way to fight. #massevasion”.

The publication dates from October 18, 2019, the day the so-called social outbreak began in Chile.

In addition, the tweet was published from Barcelona (Spain) from where Valenzuela issued his support for the mobilizations.

It is worth mentioning that the tweet mentioned above deleted it from his account, however, he maintains another that also alludes to evasion in the Metro.

“This #Evasion in the #Metro in protest has to do with the role of transportation in the social contract. Here are some ideas in an essay published by ECLAC. I start by quoting: “For a life without turnstiles” (of protests once morest increases in public transport in Sao Paulo, 2018)”, the director of Metro wrote on October 18, 2019.

The senator of the Christian Democracy, Ximena Rincón, criticized Valenzuela’s publication on social networks where she calls for evading payment in the Metro.

Even the parliamentarian shared a photograph where the director of Metro appears hooded in Plaza Manuel Rodríguez. Another image from Valenzuela’s Instagram account also appears where you can see a church and his comment “a lot of firewood”.

“In Chile, the government gets more than $6 million a year to pay a director of
@metrodesantiago who called the burning of churches “firewood”
, who dressed as an Octobrist and who from Barcelona made a call to evade the Metro itself. Free is not to call violence by his name, ”Rincón lashed out in Twitter.

UDI deputies summon the Government to demand the resignation of the director of the Metro

The deputy head of the UDI Bank, Juan Antonio Coloma, together with deputies Henry Leal and Cristhian Moreira, summoned President Gabriel Boric and the Minister of Transport and Telecommunications, Juan Carlos Muñoz, this morning. so that they demand as soon as possible the resignation of Nicolás Valenzuelamember of the Metro board of directors, following different publications made in 2019 in the framework of the social outbreak became known.

In this regard, the trade union parliamentarians described as “absolutely unacceptable” that the Government has chosen said person as a member of the metropolitan transport company.”

They also assured that this “represents the complacency that the current authorities continue to maintain with the extreme violence, by appointing as director someone who openly validated the vandalism and who had no shame for extolling the massive evasions in the subway.”

“Appointing as director of the Metro company a person who justly validated and justified the evasions in public transport is no coincidence, and demonstrates the revenge with which this Government has permanently acted. It is absolutely unthinkable to believe that the current authorities were not aware of who Mr. Valenzuela is, therefore having awarded him this position only shows the complicity they continue to maintain with the Octobrist violence that caused so much damage to our country, “they questioned. UDI deputies.

For the same reason, Coloma, Leal and Moreira insisted that “if President Boric really wants to show himself as a figure far from violence and vandalism, he has the obligation to demand, through the Minister of Transport and Telecommunications, the resignation of Mr. Valenzuela”.

“We are not surprised that the current authorities include in their administration people who validated violence in the past., but getting to the point of naming a director of the Metro who he just encouraged to skip the turnstiles has no justification. The Government, with the taxes that all Chileans pay, is rewarding a person who justified the evasions and who indirectly called for the burning of the Catholic churches in the country, and that is an act of mockery with all the tenants and merchants who were seen seriously affected by this vandalism”, pointed out the trade union parliamentarians.



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