Controversial Referee Decision in Anderlecht vs Genk Match: VAR Controversy and Potential Replay

2024-01-04 19:20:00

Anderlecht – Genk was the scene of a very special scene. On a penalty taken by Genk, the referee of the match Nathan Verboomen and the VAR manager Jan Boterberg made a very controversial decision…

The refereeing body has in fact decided to award an indirect free kick to Anderlecht. And this, while the images seem to indicate that it was indeed an Anderlecht player who crossed the line of the large rectangle too early. So, it would be an error in the application of the rules…

A barely thinkable situation, especially since Genk ultimately lost the match with a score of 2-1. The Limburgers went so far as to file a complaint and ask to replay the match.

Anderlecht – Genk: an opinion given this Friday

As explained by Newspaper, the matter will be heard this Friday, noon, by the Professional Referee Department. The body will give its opinion on the subject.

The final decision rests with the Disciplinary Council, which will have to judge on two questions: “Did the referees and the VAR make an error and break the rules?” and “Did this possible error influence the course of the match?”. If the answer to both questions is “yes”, the match could be replayed.

#Decisive #step #penaltygate #Anderlecht #Genk #football

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