Controversial Rally Authorized: Burning of the Koran on Eid al-Adha Sparks Debate in Sweden

2023-06-28 11:31:23

Swedish police have authorized a rally on Wednesday outside Stockholm’s largest mosque where an organizer plans to burn a copy of the Koran, on the first day of the most important holiday in the Muslim calendar, Eid al-Adha.

The subject is sensitive in Sweden where a demonstration in January, during which a Koran was burned in front of the Turkish embassy in Stockholm, aroused the anger of Turkey, which is blocking the Scandinavian country’s candidacy for NATO.

The holding of two similar gatherings on February 6 and 9, which were to see copies of the holy book of Islam being burned, had been refused by the Stockholm police who had invoked the risk of disturbing public order.

The demonstrators appealed the decision and an administrative tribunal ruled in their favor in early April.

In mid-June, the administrative court of appeal confirmed the first instance judgment, indicating that the security risks put forward by the police “did not have a sufficiently clear link” with the gatherings in question.

It is on this basis that the Swedish police made their decision on Wednesday.

#Sweden #Police #rally #organizer #plans #burn #Quran

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