Controversial Kitty Fund: Death of Nahel and Support for Indicted Police Officer

2023-07-02 19:17:32
Death of Nahel, killed by police fire in NanterredossierTwo kitties have been launched: one for Nahel’s family, the other for the police officer indicted. Two years ago, the support kitty for a condemned yellow vest was canceled by the courts.

“The kitty of several hundred thousand euros for the police officer indicted in the homicide of young Nahel is indecent and scandalous.” The harsh words come from a Macronist deputy, in this case Eric Bothorel, elected Renaissance of Côtes-d’Armor. Less talkative, the prefect of police Laurent Nunez explained on Sunday July 2 that he had “no comment to make” on this collection launched for the benefit of the police officer indicted following the death of Nahel in Nanterre.

Because the idea of ​​​​this pot does not come from just anyone: Jean Messiha, support of Eric Zemmour and approximate agitator of television sets, is at the origin. “Support for the family of the Nanterre policeman, Florian. M who has done his job and who today pays a high price, is it thus written under an illustrative photo of motorcyclists from the national police. Support him MASSIVELY and support our law enforcement!”

On the same line as a part of the right and the extreme right, like Eric Ciotti, this kitty relays the idea that the policeman, indicted for intentional homicide and placed in pre-trial detention, n would have done that his job. She therefore ignores the shocking images of the video published a few hours following Nahel’s death, showing the policeman shooting the teenager at point-blank range in a situation which does not however seem to require such a radical decision-making. Moreover, the Nanterre public prosecutor’s office considered that “the legal conditions for the use of the weapon [n’étaient] not met”.

Never mind. The kitty exists and it exceeded 600,000 euros on Sunday in the middle of the day, but this sum is increasing rapidly. Initially, Jean Messiha had tried to create the collection on the Leetchi platform. But the best-known site for online collections decided to block it a few hours later, demanding official documents from the creator. The representative of Reconquête then fell back on Go Fund Me, an international platform. “Jean Messiha is blowing on the embers, adds MP Bothorel on Twitter. It is a generator of riots. Same indignation on the side of the elected representative of rebellious France, Thomas Portes: “An online pot was opened by the far right to support the police officer who put Nahel to death. […] It is even relayed on social networks by the police. €200.00 (sic) in support of a man who killed a kid for free. It’s sickening.” Denouncing an iniquitous mobilization, Internet users encourage to report this kitty massively so that it is canceled by the operator.

Nahel’s family support kitty was published on Leetchi and reached 80,000 euros on Sunday. “Nahel, 17, died today in conditions of extreme violence, is it written under the euro counter. He leaves behind him a mother torn by the loss of her only son. She needs our support to face the long trials that await her.” Beyond the nauseating competition between the two initiatives, there remains the question of their legality: will the families receive this money?

The previous Dettinger

There is a precedent, that of the yellow vest Christophe Dettinger, a boxer filmed in January 2019 fighting with his bare hands once morest gendarmes / police. The protester had surrendered himself to the police two days later. A kitty had been opened on Leetchi by one of his relatives. The case making talk, the amount had quickly reached 145,000 euros. Faced with the outcry, the platform finally decided to close the kitty, citing non-compliance with its general conditions of use which “prohibit any incitement to hatred or violence”.

Two years later, the Paris court ruled the nullity of the contract concluded with the Leetchi company. In a press release, the court explained that “the kitty was initially intended to support a fight consisting of the use of physical violence once morest the police” and that, “by its broad project”, it was also intended to “compensate for convictions that may occur in the future”. According to the legal information site Dalloz, the court thus relied on a “pragmatic” and non-literal interpretation of article 40 of the law of July 29, 1881 which provides that “it is prohibited to open or publicly announce subscriptions for the purpose of compensating fines, costs and damages pronounced by judicial convictions, in criminal and correctional matters”.

In the case of the Nahel affair, it will therefore be necessary to pass the displayed goal of the two jackpots in order to determine their legality. That for Nahel must be used by the mother of the teenager to “face the long trials that await him”. Which, a priori, does not seem to be a disturbance of public order. On the other hand, the kitty of Jean Messiha notes, while an investigation is in progress, that the police officer indicted “did his job”, which might fall into the category “disturbance to public order”.

The Sleeping Giants collective, which fights once morest online hate speech, seems to have made its religion. On Sunday, they more or less asked the GoFundMe platform to disconnect the collection launched by Messiha. “Could you urgently determine if this kitty ‘Support for the family of the policeman of Nanterre’ is unacceptable and very subject to caution with regard to your conditions of use. Just the fact that it exists explodes the feeling of injustice and fuels tensions,” they wrote on Twitter.

If it is not noted that the money will be used to pay any future legal costs, it is likely that in the event of a conviction, the money collected will make it easier for the police officer to pay any fines. .

Updated at 4:20 p.m. with the Sleeping Giants announcement.

#support #pots #launched #lot #questions #legality #Liberation



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