Controversial Fundraising Campaign for French Policeman Sparks Outrage and Debate

2023-07-04 13:29:52

A fundraising campaign to support the policeman who shot the young man, Nael, sparked widespread controversy in French circles, following its launchers were able to collect more than $1.5 million, from more than 44,000 donors.

After the murder of the teenager of Algerian origin, the right-wing politician of Egyptian origin, John Masiha, known for his anti-immigrant positions, launched a campaign on the “Gofundme” platform, which he said aims to support the family of the policeman who “pays a heavy price today, following he did his job.”

A few days following its launch, the campaign to support the policeman’s family was able to collect more than 1.4 million euros, benefiting from the support of a number of far-right figures in France, exceeding what a parallel campaign for the family of the late child collected (regarding 300 thousand euros).

The campaign faced a wave of widespread condemnation by many French politicians, who described it as “flagrant and unacceptable provocation”, calling on the authorities to block it.

Screenshot from the French Policeman’s Family fundraising page

Shame Campaign

In this regard, the French parliamentarian, Manuel Bombar, stressed the need to end this campaign, noting in his interview on TV “France TVHe added that it carries “totally unacceptable signs, symbols and messages”.

The leader of the “Unsubmissive France” party criticized the positions of French government officials regarding the campaign, revealing that he was “shocked that the government does not look at the issue and underestimate it,” and referred to statements by Minister Olivier Klein, who said that “the issue of the campaign is not within the authority of the government.” .

“The fact that someone close to the far-right launched this campaign undoubtedly does not contribute to the pacification,” Prime Minister Elizabeth Borne said Monday evening, adding that it was up to the courts to decide whether it was legal.

In turn, the Minister of Justice, Eric Dupont Moretti, told “Radio FranceOn Tuesday, the fundraising campaign “does not contribute to strengthening the calm,” warning of its exploitation by extreme right-wing movements.

Bombar describes the positions of French politicians as “extremely shy,” recalling a previous campaign to support former boxer Christophe Dettinger, who was filmed assaulting two security men in 2019, and the government then intervened to stop the campaign, considering it “complicity in violence.”

For his part, the Socialist Party deputy, Olivier Faure, says in a tweet addressed to the moderators of the “Gofundme” platform, “You are embracing the “campaign of shame”, by participating in supporting a police officer accused of premeditated murder.. Close (the campaign).

The murdered teenager’s grandmother expressed her “shock” at the amount of donations collected by the security man’s support campaign, but said she “believes in justice and that the policeman will be punished like any other person,” according to BFMTV.

And it appears on the “Gofundme” platform that the fundraising campaign initially aimed to raise only 50 thousand euros, but it exceeded the amount many times over, in a record period of time.

In the face of widespread criticism, a spokesperson for the platform revealed that the campaign is in accordance with the terms of use it sets, indicating in statements to the newspaper:LofigaroThat the money would be paid to the family, not to the policeman who was charged with “premeditated murder”.

meeting following the riot

The killing of the 17-year-old boy, Nael, by a policeman during a traffic check, in Nanterre, on the outskirts of Paris, last Tuesday, was followed by widespread protests and riots in a number of French cities.

On Tuesday, French President Emmanuel Macron is expected to receive the mayors of regarding 220 cities that were severely damaged following the riots, whose intensity seems to be declining.

Last night saw a limited number of 72 arrests, including 24 in Paris and its nearby suburbs, in contrast to hundreds of people at the height of the violence, according to AFP.

New acts of vandalism took place, with 24 buildings torched or vandalized throughout France, According to the authorities, who also counted setting fire to 159 vehicles, in addition to setting dozens of garbage baskets on fire.

On the other hand, four attacks were recorded on the headquarters of the National Police, the Gendarmerie and the Municipal Police, according to the Ministry of the Interior, but no police personnel were injured.

Macron proposed the idea of ​​imposing financial fines on parents of boys caught vandalizing or stealing as part of the government’s response to the riots.

“We must find a way to punish the families financially, and in an easy way,” he said, according to comments reported by the newspaper “Le Parisien”.

About 45,000 police and gendarmes were mobilized on Monday evening, for the third night in a row, in an attempt to stop the violence, which culminated Sunday with a car attack on the home of Lay-les-Rose mayor Vincent Janbran in the southern suburbs of Paris, where his family had to flee.

By consulting with elected municipal officials, President Macron wants to “start a careful and long-term work to understand in depth the reasons that led to these events,” his office announced.

#Raised #million



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