Controversial Decree: Second Refusal of Permanent Contract Leads to Loss of Unemployment Insurance

2024-03-03 12:09:29

According to a recent decree, published in the official journal of December 29, 2023, when a job seeker refuses a permanent contract for the second time, he will be deprived of unemployment insurance. A radical measure, according to these trade union organizations, which are formally opposed to it.

This decree, published as part of the full employment bill, stipulates that when an employee refuses, twice, a permanent contract offered by the employer, he is systematically deprived of his unemployment benefits. However, it is useful to note that only the refusal of a permanent contract for a job similar to that previously held by the person concerned might lead to the loss of their unemployment rights.

A decree denounced by the unions

Its entry into force, on January 1, 2024, generated strong reactions from French workers’ unions, who were quick to express their discontent. “Its effects will be disastrous. (…) FO denounces this new executive measure which it considers unfair and inappropriate. “, declared the Force Ouvrière (FO) union. The trade union organization also expressed its desire to file an appeal with the Council of State with the aim of canceling this measure.

CGT, FSU and Solidaires call for the annulment of the decree

In a press release shared on the website of the General Confederation of Labor (CGT), it protests, along with the FSU and Solidaires unions, the entry into force of the decree aimed at depriving employees of their unemployment rights .

These organizations denounce the deprivation of employees of unemployment rights following a second refusal of a permanent contract. A measure once morest which the trade union organizations, as well as the Board of Directors of Pôle emploi, are unanimously opposed, as indicated in this press release.

According to these unions, the government’s objective behind the application of this new regulation is “to empty unemployment insurance of its substance and thus force those deprived of employment to accept any position. In other words, imposing a form of forced labor.”

On the other hand, the press release considers that this measure makes employers “whistleblowers through a denunciation platform set up for this purpose”, indicates the press release. In question, they must report the employees following the refusal of a permanent contract with France Travail, within one month.

“This measure also deprives the employee of asserting a legitimate reason for refusal or of acting once morest this decision to refuse compensation,” denounces the text. Finally, the CGT, the FSU and Solidaires conclude their press release by demanding “the withdrawal of all reforms breaking the social rights of workers and those deprived of employment and demanding the construction of new rights”.

#decree #refusal #permanent #contracts #brought #Council #State #unions



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