“Controversial Debate on Health Reform in Vicky in WEEK”

2023-05-19 17:58:23

vicky in week

In Vicky en SEMANA, congressmen Andrés Forero and Alfredo Mondragón debated regarding the health reform, following the Chamber approved 84% of the articles.


in the space of Vicky in WEEK, Representatives Andrés Forero and Alfredo Mondragón debated the controversial health reform and the articles that have already been approved in the Chamber.

When asked whether or not the EPS will disappear with the health reform, representative Alfredo Mondragón, from the Historical Pact, stated that the project “will not be cosmetic”, so it will not be a reform “to change the name of the EPS”, without modifying fundamental aspects.

In addition, he stressed that the resources that the EPS manage today “are the public resources of the people.” In fact, he criticized the fact that around these are data that “no one can dispute”: “debts recognized by the IPS -with better financial indicators- of more than 16 trillion pesos. That is, they received the resources, but they did not deliver them to the public or private IPS”.

“A great agreement that we have had for months is that there will be a public administration, public resources, because when the resources are not enough, It ends up being the State that ends up resolving those debts and never the assurance promised by the EPS that were going to capitalize”, said the representative Mondragón.

“It must be said that if it were only the issue of who manages public resources, well, this reform would basically have been reduced to guaranteeing that the direct transfer was made universally, but what the Government wants, what this reform wants, is go much further,” he warned.

For representative Forero, the reform is promoting a “progressive nationalization of health in the country. He even predicted that “They are going to condemn Colombians to a costly and inefficient state monopoly.”

They say that they are going to solve all the country’s health problems with this new model, and that is not true.. In fact, they suggest that, supposedly, we are going to end the waiting lines and the weeks of scheduling that some specialists have, but when one looks at the references that they have -which are the British, Canadian, Spanish and the Costa Rican-, they have waiting hours, they have waiting spaces to be attended by specialists, in some cases much older than ours”, the congressman from the Democratic Center deepened.

In response to what was stated by Forero, the representative Alfredo Mondragón insisted on the shortcomings of the current health model in Colombia. Moreover, he cited that, During 2022, said model registered close to 1,200,000 PQRS, of which 35% had to do with life risk.

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