Controversial Debate in Chamber of Deputies Over Women’s Labor Inclusion Project

2023-10-17 19:40:44

A controversy arose this Tuesday in the Chamber of Deputies, when parliamentarians debated the project that promotes the adoption of measures for the labor inclusion of women in companies.

The awkward moment involved fourth grade students at La Maisonnette de Vitacura schoolwho were in the stands of the chamber after being invited by deputy Francisco Undurraga (Evópoli).

It all started with the intervention of Christian Arayaof the Republican Party, who criticized the project that was being discussed and classified it as “cardboard feminism.”

“The girls at the top are leaders. “They are going to have great professional development because they have challenged themselves, they have made an effort and they are going to move forward on their merits, not because of laws that seek to impose equality or that put whether they are a man or a woman above any other issue.”he pointed.

In that sense, he maintained that “we believe that it is merit, and not your genitality, that has to define how you are going to do in the future. I treat those in charge as cardboard feminists, because they talk a lot about equality between men and women, but nothing is more feminist than giving security to men and women to go out on the street.”

“What is the security that women have on the streets? Worse with this government. What is the employment situation that women have with this feminist government? Worse”Araya added.

Sáez (RD): “The girls from Vitacura get ahead because they are from Vitacura”

His words were not received well by the deputy Jaime Saez (RD), who stated that “The girls who are in Vitacura get ahead because they are from Vitacura.”

“If these girls were from Conchalí or some remote commune in the south of our country, they would probably have much more difficulty reaching a leadership position”he added.

But he went further, as he addressed the Republican Party caucus saying that “One only sees men giving lessons in cheap monetarism, lacking any argument and talking nonsense.”

Finally, the project was approved by 89 votes in favor, 20 against and 21 abstentions. However, she returned to the Women and Gender Equality commission because she was the subject of indications.

Furthermore, from the Republican Party bench they announced that They will take Deputy Sáez to the Ethics Commission for his statements in the room.

Check out Deputy Sáez’s intervention:

#Deputy #girls #Vitacura #ahead #Vitacura #students #invited #room

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