Control of People’s Land Based on PSN Arguments Continues to Happen

The indigenous peoples of the Awyu Tribe and the Moi Sigin Tribe, Papua held a protest in front of the Supreme Court Building (MA). (MI/Susanto)

CHAIRMAN of the Agrarian Reform Movement Alliance (AGRA) Moh. Ali said that people are still experiencing land rights seizures. With the pretext of a national strategic project, he said, customary land that has been inhabited for hundreds of years is controlled by the state on the grounds that residents do not have legal documents.

“The perpetrators are powerful businessmen or oligarchs who work together with the authorities and the authorities,” said the General Chair of the Agrarian Reform Movement Alliance (AGRA) Moh. Ali in a discussion held by the All-Indonesian Trade Union Confederation (KSPSI) Pembaruan and the Sabang Merauke Circle (SMC), Tuesday (24/9).

According to him, the government is most responsible for facilitating the control of people’s land by oligarchy. The figure of the Free Man Said Didu explained the mode used, namely determining the status of land in an area as a National Strategic Project (PSN). Furthermore, the central government works together with local authorities (Pemda) and officials, pressuring the people to sell their land at very cheap prices.

“This happened in Rempang (Riau Islands), PIK 2 (Tangerang), even in IKN (East Kalimantan),” he explained.

Former Chairman of LBH Jakarta Paskah Irianto reminded that during the New Order, oligarchy control was limited to industry and trade. However, according to him, it has now expanded to land control.

Meanwhile, Bung Karno University Lecturer Prof. Maman Suparman said that the Omnibus Law, namely Law No. 11/2020 concerning Job Creation, facilitates the seizure of people’s land by investors. In the Job Creation Law, there are a number of policies related to Law No. 5/1960 concerning Basic Agrarian Principles. (H-3)

#Control #Peoples #Land #Based #PSN #Arguments #Continues #Happen



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