Contrary to popular belief, beware of walking after eating, as its harms exceed expectations

Follow up – Ali Mualla:

Sport has many benefits and positive effects for mental and physical health, and it is recommended by all doctors, and walking is one of the most important and easiest exercises.

Of course, I have heard before the advice that it is necessary to walk after eating, and how many positives that come from it and support health.

walk after food

In this article, we learn about some unknown harms of this habit:

1. Stomach and digestive disorders.

Which may sometimes occur due to movement immediately after eating food, and its volatility in the stomach without sufficient digestion, and also due to the flow of blood towards the muscles and leaving the stomach, which affects their digestive function, which leads to indigestion, diarrhea, nausea and bloating, and when you notice the emergence of these symptoms, you can wait after Eating for 10-15 minutes, then walking without much speed.

2. Neglecting the upper body muscles.

Walking only strengthens the lower body muscles, but does not affect the upper body.

3. Double walking exercises.

Compared to other more intense exercises, such as aerobics, which burn more calories, strengthen the heart muscle, and others.

4. Effect on appetite.

Aerobic exercise, including walking, reduces appetite, which is fine for some people, but for those looking to gain weight, they may not be interested in this.

5. Hardship.

For some people who are injured or accustomed to rest, walking is a difficult and stressful activity for them, especially for those who suffer from knee, foot or ankle pain, and water aerobics exercises are better for them in this case.

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