Continuity of Services Provided by Temporary Rest for People of Determination and Senior Citizens

Hariz Al-Murr bin Hariz, Executive Director of the Development and Social Care Sector at the Community Development Authority in Dubai, has confirmed that the authority launched a temporary relief service for caregivers for senior citizens, people of determination with severe disabilities, and clinical cases last month. This initiative allows caregivers to take a short-term rest, while the authority provides alternative care for their patients in their homes or in temporary care centers. The authority has prepared studies aimed at supporting caregivers for these categories, in cooperation with a private company, with the aim of providing an alternative caregiver for a short period of not less than two hours per week.

By studying the impact of the service, mechanisms for its application, and continuous development will be considered. The authority plans to organize training courses for caregivers on how to take care of the beneficiary category in cooperation with the Dubai Academic Health Foundation, which will provide training materials to qualify and train caregivers. The program will also contribute to raising awareness among caregivers, reducing the psychological pressure and physical effort on caregivers, especially for severe clinical cases.

Several family members benefiting from the initiative have confirmed that the “temporary rest” expresses the remarkable interest that the wise leadership and the Dubai government attach to the Emirati family. The Dubai government always seeks to make its citizens happy and provide them with means of comfort, and pays great attention to senior citizens and people of determination in particular, to ensure a decent life for this group, which is a major component of the social fabric in the UAE.

Hariz Al-Murr bin Hariz, Executive Director of the Development and Social Care Sector at the Community Development Authority in Dubai, confirmed that the temporary relief service for caregivers for the main groups, which are senior citizens and people of determination with severe disabilities, and clinical cases, which the authority launched last month, stems from interest and keenness. The Government of Dubai supports the family and provides all its needs to ensure its sustainability and stability, and it is considered the first of its kind at the state level.

The initiative allows those who provide special care for people of determination and senior citizens to take a short-term rest. During this period, the authority provides alternative care for senior citizens or people of determination, whether in their homes or in temporary care centers.

He explained that the authority has prepared studies aimed at supporting caregivers for these categories of family members, to ensure continuity of care for senior citizens or people of determination and clinical conditions, in cooperation with a private company, with the aim of providing an alternative caregiver for a short period of not less than two hours per week.

He added that the service can extend for days within special criteria, such as the family traveling for several days outside the country, or taking a tourist trip within the country, which takes days, or even if the caregiver suffers from an illness that incapacitates him for several days, or he is forced to devote himself to studying during the examination period.

Study to evaluate

Bin Hariz explained that by studying the impact of the service, mechanisms for its application and continuous development will be considered, pointing out that the authority will organize training courses for caregivers on how to take care of the beneficiary category, in cooperation with the Dubai Academic Health Foundation, which will prepare training materials to qualify and train caregivers to bridge This gap, and educating them on how to deal with the different segments of these groups, through the provision of training courses aimed at developing their skills and competence in providing care to these groups, and will be divided according to the condition of the beneficiary of care, in order to stabilize his situation.

Sustainability of service quality

For his part, Dr. Haider Saeed Al-Yousef, Executive Director of Al-Futtaim Healthcare Group, appreciated the launch of the temporary rest program, stressing that it contributes to enhancing the happiness of those who care for people of determination, senior citizens and the elderly, and extending a helping hand to them, in order to ensure the continuity of the quality of care services provided to people from It also contributes to strengthening social cohesion among members of society, as it encourages caregivers to fully carry out their duties towards these groups.

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He added that the program will also contribute to raising awareness among caregivers, through continuous communication with them, of the best methods of providing health care to these groups, and will reduce the psychological pressure and physical effort on caregivers, especially for severe clinical cases.


A number of family members benefiting from the initiative confirmed that the “temporary rest” expresses the remarkable interest that the wise leadership and the Dubai government attach to the Emirati family, and provided them with all means of comfort, reassurance and safety, so that their members would be productive, active, contributors and supportive of the growth movement that the country is witnessing at all levels.

Badria Ibrahim says that caring for children of determination faces many challenges, especially if the mother is working, noting that mothers bear the greatest burden in caring for construction in general, and people with disabilities in particular.

Badriya appreciated the temporary rest initiative, noting that it contributes to providing time for the mother to rest, take care of her own affairs, or even pay attention to the affairs of the rest of her family.

Decent life

In turn, Nadia Gharib said that the Dubai government always seeks to make its citizens happy and provide them with means of comfort, and pays great attention to senior citizens and people of determination in particular, to ensure a decent life for this group, which is a major component of the social fabric in the UAE.

Ali Ahmed Al Yasi appreciated the role of the Dubai government in presenting and proposing initiatives aimed at inculcating the values ​​of honoring parents in their children and grandchildren, consolidating community relations, and instilling the values ​​and spirit of bonds of intimacy and love among the segments of society, by caring for their comfort and happiness, and adopting issues that concern them.

In conclusion, the temporary relief service for caregivers of senior citizens, people of determination with severe disabilities, and clinical cases launched by the Community Development Authority in Dubai is an essential initiative that reflects the government’s keen interest in supporting families and providing them with all their needs to ensure sustainability and stability. This program allows for short-term rest for caregivers, giving them the necessary break to manage their personal affairs or take a well-deserved rest. The initiative not only contributes to enhancing the happiness of caregivers but also strengthens social cohesion among members of society. The Dubai government’s continuous efforts to provide means of comfort and happiness for its citizens, particularly senior citizens and people of determination, demonstrate its focus on ensuring a decent life for all members of society.

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