Continuation of Additional Support in Batch 74 for Saudi Citizen Account: Conditions and Criteria

2023-12-19 19:57:02

Questions are increasing from Saudi citizens about whether additional support will continue in Batch 74, as the support that citizens receive is one of the most important forms of support that the Saudi government provides to citizens and families most in need, and this coincides with the approaching date of disbursing Batch 74.

Will additional support continue in Batch 74?

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News has spread about extending the additional support to the Citizen’s Account, so beneficiaries of the Citizen’s Account in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia would like to know whether this news is true or not. It is worth noting that the additional support will indeed continue for a period of up to 3 months.

This will be until December 2023 AD, and on this basis, the head of the family receives 750 Saudi riyals, while dependents under the age of 18 receive 215 Saudi riyals, and the age group older than 18 years receive 360 ​​Saudi riyals, provided that all of them are met. the required conditions.

Citizen account conditions for an individual

A citizen wishing to obtain Citizen Account support must meet the required conditions and confirm whether he is eligible to receive support or not. These conditions are as follows:

  • A Saudi citizen must be of Saudi nationality, but there is an exception for wives, divorcees, and widows if there is a Saudi man on their lists.
  • The applicant must not own vehicles or real estate properties of high financial value.
  • Support is obtained if the family’s monthly income is less than the maximum declared.
  • The head of the family must not reside in a shelter or prison.
  • You must reside permanently on the territory of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
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Cases of citizen account suspension

There are some cases in which a citizen can learn that the citizen’s account has been suspended, which are as follows:

  • The applicant did not enter the data correctly.
  • If the citizen is proven to own assets or real estate.
  • If the salary exceeds the value of the support provided.
  • The disbursement of support to the citizen’s account stops in the event of the death of the beneficiary, or in the event of his imprisonment.

One of the most frequently asked questions on the scene now is the question of whether additional support will continue in batch 74. It is worth noting that obtaining additional support depends on the age group, as the citizen account system determines the value assigned to each citizen, as we previously explained.

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