Contemporary art in Kaišiadorys: from dances at the railway station to performances at the flower stall | Culture

According to Lina Brazionienė, the director of Kaišiadorių cultural center, not only professional artists will participate in the art days – Kaišiadori citizens and guests of the city will be included in the activities. “We aimed for everyone to discover the activities they like and to make sure that in order to get acquainted with contemporary art, it is no longer necessary to go to Vilnius or Kaunas,” said L. Brazionienė.

Organizers’ photo/Algis Griškevičius’s work. Juggler

According to her, the events will not be limited to traditional spaces – it will be possible to watch performances not only at the railway station, but also in the very center of the city in a former flower stall or a defunct shop. This is to show that art can be and is everywhere and in various forms.

From movies to plays

The Art Days events will start on Friday evening – the outdoor screen of the Kaišiadori Cultural Center will show Marija Kavtaradze’s film “You don’t remind me of anything”.

On Saturday, the Nuepiko dance troupe will invite you to the dance performance “Man on the Moon” in Algirdas Brazauskas Park. In the evening, movement education for people with disabilities will be conducted by Marius Pinigis.

Right here, those who wish can participate in a graffiti workshop with Povilas Kupčinskas throughout the weekend. And virtual reality lovers will have the opportunity to see the films “I am Lithuania” and “Playing Life”.

Organizers photo/In Ju 5 seconds of fame

Organizers photo/In Ju 5 seconds of fame

At Kaišiadori railway station, Justina Kiuršinaitė will invite you to the dance performance “Ratas” and movement education for seniors.

“Ratas” is a piece about breaking free from the circle: repeated actions and mistakes that prevent moving forward, improving and changing,” says the author of the play, J. Kiuršinaitė, who first presented her work two years ago at the Tantsunädal dance festival in Estonia. .

On Saturday evening, the “Ars Podium’24” collection of paintings will be presented in the park.

An exclusive exhibition

According to L. Brazionienė, one of the most prominent events of “Ars Mix” is the exhibition of the painter and sculptor Algis Griškevičius “In the Shadow of Lost Time”. According to the author himself, it will be possible to see works of painting, sculpture and photography created in various periods. The opening of the exhibition is on Saturday at the Kaišiadorių cultural center. The exhibition will be presented by art critic Agnė Narušytė, music works will be presented by Petras Vyšniauskas, poetry will be read by Antanas A. Jonynas. The exhibition can be visited not only during the festival – it will be open until the end of September.

A sculpture by A. Griškevičius, depicting a fox dancing on a jump, was recently unveiled in Kaišiadorys. According to the creator who lives in Žasliai, small towns in Lithuania are close to forests and their contact with nature is immediate, so the fox sculpture appeared precisely in Kaišiadorys, and not in a big city.

The flower stall is reborn

Another surprise in Kaišiadorys will be the “Flower kiosk” exhibition held in the former flower kiosk. Its authors, artists Jurga Juodytė, Julija Pociūtė and Eglė Pilkauskaitė, aim to ensure that contemporary art is not only for white walls.

Photo of the organizers/Justina Kiursinaitė. Wheel

Photo of the organizers/Justina Kiursinaitė. Wheel

“The flower stall was a place of commerce that was visited on certain occasions, and now it has become an occasion itself. We want to exhibit works of contemporary art in a space that is familiar to people, but temporarily transformed, where the stories of the city of Kaišiadori are revealed,” said J. Juodytė, who comes from the Kaišiadorii district.

The exhibition will be open for a week, and the flower kiosk, which has been turned into an exhibition space, will have volunteers – guides from the local community: an art teacher, a fireman, an old lady, on duty at certain hours.

Contemporary art will also involve children

There will be plenty of activities for children as well. On Sunday, the modern clowning duo “In&Ju” will invite children to the performance “5 seconds of fame”, after which they will also organize education. Another performance – “Skrydis” clown duet will be held in the former grocery store, and Jurgita Juodytė will invite the children to the former flower kiosk, where she will conduct the education “I am a performance artist”.

The brass band “Dziaugsmas” will perform the musical performance “7 Triumphal Wheels”, the theater studio “Lulu” will invite you to the street theater performance “Box out of the box”, the dance group of Nemenčinė multifunctional cultural center “Dalina” will perform.

The art days financed by the Lithuanian Culture Council will be crowned by the concert of the group “Superkoloritas” on Saturday evening, and the performance-concert “Lietuanian women” by the group “Graži ir ta galinga” will conclude the entire festival.

“All types of art should be close to us, contemporary art as well. Therefore, this event of the Lithuanian capital of culture will continue next year as well. It is important to feel the pulse of art, so we want it to become a tradition so that contemporary art lives among us,” said L. Brazionienė, director of the Kaišiadorių cultural center.

#Contemporary #art #Kaišiadorys #dances #railway #station #performances #flower #stall #Culture
2024-08-22 12:15:40



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