“Conte uses Renzi to make Schlein lose in Emilia” –

Dario Martini

«Giuseppe Conte is using Italia Viva to attack Elly Schlein, and make her lose in Emilia Romagna». Maria Elena Boschi has no doubts about what the real objective of the M5S leader is. The Italia Viva deputy looks into the distance and explains the real battle that is taking place in these hours.

Honorable Boschi, Conte says that the wide field no longer exists because he does not accept that Italia Viva is part of it. Is he the one who dictates the line in the center-left?
«When Conte had to govern, everything was fine, from Salvini to Fratoianni. We still remember how he courted Ciampolillo just to stay in Chigi. Conte is a man with only one ideal: his armchair. Today he uses Italia Viva to attack Elly Schlein.”

In Liguria you marched right after Conte’s diktat accepted by Orlando. Will you also do the same in Umbria and especially in Emilia Romagna where you have already governed with Bonaccini?
“Absolutely not. In Liguria we will see who will win between Bucci and Orlando in a race to the last vote. On Emilia Romagna we worked mostly with one councilor and three regional councilors. We do not accept vetoes from those who were in the minority. We do not veto and we will put our symbol on the ballot. We’ll see if Conte takes back his words, as I believe. We support De Pascale.”

Matteo Renzi has effectively accepted Elly Schlein’s leadership of the center-left. Is this the real reason why Conte decided to tear up?
“Yes. Then of course there is always a bit of personal resentment against Renzi who was decisive in replacing him with Draghi.
But the issue is political: he does not accept that the head of the first party is the head of the government or the opposition.
Berlusconi, Renzi and Meloni were the leaders of the largest parties and that’s why they went to Chigi. If the Democratic Party has more votes than everyone else and wins the elections, it’s Schlein’s turn. This thing drives Conte mad, as he has never won an election, not even to the faculty council.”

You want to be the center of the center-left. Is it really possible to build it?
«It’s not a question of building it but of representing it: the center is there. The center of the center-left is the one that defends the JobsAct and industry 4.0, that defends the Atlantic position, that considers it a crime to occupy homes illegally, that believes in renewable energy but also in nuclear power, that does not consider the word merit a dirty word, who believes in rights and also duties. We are these. The referendum on the JobsAct will demonstrate that we are not few.”

Do you still believe in the wide field? Why persist with parties that pose so many obstacles?
«We have joined an appeal from Elly Schlein. We don’t change our minds and I don’t think Schlein will change his mind. What is happening is paradoxical. In Emilia Romagna we want de Pascale to win, Conte wants Schlein to lose.”

Conte, Fratoianni, but also Schlein, want to cancel the JobsAct with a referendum. Renzi has launched committees to save him. How do you get out of it?
«We are consistent. And to be honest, Schlein is too because she is and has always been against it. Meloni, Salvini and Tajani instead voted against the JobsAct, the contradiction is theirs.”

Avs and M5S ask not to automatically re-nominate Eugenio Giani in Tuscany. They want primaries. Will you participate?
«We’ll see if there are. They only ask for primaries when it’s convenient. But in any case, if there are primaries, we will always be there.”

In these hours of war between Israel and Iran, do you think the government should withdraw the contingent of the Unifil mission or is a change in the rules of engagement needed?
«I don’t believe in the withdrawal of the contingent. In interposition operations abroad, the Italian military is the best of all. They are needed to build peace and defend the least, therefore, let me shout long live the armed forces of this country. After that I would like the Government to also use the weapon of diplomacy. Tajani leads the G7 but no one knows what he is doing. Unfortunately, it didn’t arrive.”

October 7th is approaching, the alert is also high in Italy, with pro-Palestine demonstrators intending to take to the streets despite the Interior Ministry’s ban. Incidents of anti-Semitism are multiplying. Is she worried?
«I stand with my friends from the Israeli and Jewish communities of Rome and other cities, reiterating our no to anti-Semitism.
However, I am against banning demonstrations, always. It’s a wrong precedent. Even certain absurd and disgusting ideas have the right to be defended by those who believe in them in the streets. Banning marches is always a mistake.”

#Conte #Renzi #Schlein #lose #Emilia #Tempo
2024-10-05 10:04:21



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