Conte and the “Overtaking” operation. The Pd feud to bring down Schlein –

Mira Brunello

At the cinema it would be “A Fistful of Dollars”, with a Clint Eastwood with the clutch bag, and a Gian Maria Volentè with the armochromist, in the political news of these days it is the reckless race undertaken by Giuseppe Conte to wear out Elly Schlein. Which in fact, with the offensive of Bari and Turin, is struggling, losing breath, becoming pale. The leader of the M5S, on the eve of the primaries in the Apulian capital, pulled out his poker, forcing his PD tablemate to surrender. Gazebos canceled therefore, and conditions for a truce agreed. «Send the caciques away, then we’ll talk about it again», hisses Giuseppi to Elly, knowing full well that the tenant of the Nazarene cannot do without his territorial contacts. That is, in words, the secretary of the Democratic Party rants against the so-called stick leaders, Senator Antonio Misiani, party commissioner in Campania, also announces his self-regulation code for Dem candidates, from the lots of smoke and no roast series. Party colleague Pina Picierno replies to Misiani: “Everything is useful, except using the moral question as a cudgel to say ok, I’m in charge now.” Meanwhile, the war of the former prime minister, Michele Emiliano’s long-time ally in Puglia, is focused on something else, gaining the leadership of the broad field, it is no longer enough for him to be a “spin doctor” to an increasingly disoriented Democratic Party. He wants the “stick” of command, to fuel his dream of returning to Palazzo Chigi.

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A direction that has been clear for months, further defined for the regional elections, green light only for the candidates chosen directly by him, such as Roberto Gravina in Molise and Alessandra Todde in Sardinia, on the others there is never-ending controversy, Basilicata and Piedmont are recent stories. Thus, faced with the evidence, the cautious Lorenzo Guerini was forced to shoot. “It has been clear for some time that Conte is making his bid for the Democratic Party, only those who didn’t want to see it didn’t see it,” said the former defense minister. Heavy statements, which give an idea of ​​the internal climate at the Nazarene, with a probable new meeting today between the secretary and Stefano Bonaccini. It’s Elly’s other big problem: having half the party, silently or openly, against her. There are four leaders who support Conte: Gianni Cuperlo, for whom the currents are an asset and a supporter of the old agreement with Conte, Andrea Orlando, who is afraid of being eliminated from the left, Goffredo Bettini, at odds with Zingaretti and Lorenzo Guerini, always against Schlein especially for the Ukraine issue. Among the reformists, a minority of the parliamentary group, there are important names, the former group leader in the Senate Simona Malpezzi, the son of the governor of Campania Piero De Luca, the member of the secretariat, Alessandro Alfieri, the majority of the outgoing MEPs. Then there is a worrying silent middle area, made up of the leaders who supported Elly in the primaries, the currents that refer to Dario Franceschini, Nicola Zingaretti, Andrea Orlando. Troops increasingly disoriented by the lack of experience demonstrated in the field by Elly and his “boys”.

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Meanwhile, yesterday too the saloon fight continued unabated. Conte dotted the i’s: “I have nothing personal against the Democratic secretary, but I believe that the concept of loyalty must be handled with care for the hygiene of politics.” Debora Serracchiani, Valeria Fedeli, Giorgio Gori, Alessia Morani responded to him piqued by the Democratic Party, still on the minority side. Silence from Elly and his headquarters, we are still evaluating whether to insist on the willingness to look for a third candidate in Bari, with the step back of the two challengers, Vito Leccese (for the Dems), Michele Laforgia (for the M5S). «50% chance that another candidate will take the field», quotes Elly Schlein’s man to One Day as a Sheep. A hypothesis that would perhaps help to gather a few more votes in Puglia, but could directly implode the entire Democratic Party. Where it is no longer a mystery, among parliamentary booths and sofas, that the most popular bet is Elly’s defeat at the European elections. The PD bookies are aiming for a 20% share, the trains leave below and the champagne is uncorked.

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#Conte #Overtaking #operation #feud #bring #Schlein #Tempo
2024-04-10 07:40:34

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