modern life
This fruit is rich in antioxidants, fiber and vitamins.
Blueberries are considered one of the healthiest fruits and with the greatest nutritional contributions to the body. They stand out for their content of vitamin C, fiber, potassium, iron and calcium.
Investigations carried out at Clemson University and the United States Department of Agriculture on its properties indicate that this was the food with the highest antioxidant power among 40 vegetables analyzed with the Orac method, which is used to analyze the antioxidant capacity of different substances. cites the aforementioned website.
This antioxidant power is due to the combined action of its organic acids and the 15 anthocyanins that give them their peculiar color. Additionally, blueberries contain proanthocyanidins, flavonoids, and tannins that provide a similar effect. One of them is resveratrol, which is also found in black grapes and is known for its anticancer effect.
Another study published by the Journal of Food Science who examined these properties in blueberry extracts highlighted the role of the anthocyanins and phenols it contains.
Given their properties, blueberries offer a series of health benefits, indicates the portal better with health. Quote a post from Merck Manual in which it is determined that the Potassium that this fruit contains benefits the functioning of the muscular and nervous system.
In this sense, the portal your health revealed that this fruit serves to regulate blood pressure, due to its high content of anthocyanins, phytochemicals with antioxidant and antihypertensive properties that improve the function of the endothelium, which refers to the cells that line the inner surface of blood vessels.
In the same way, they are low in calories, rich in water and fibers, so satiety is greater when they are eaten, decreasing calorie intake and anxiety for sweet foods, helping to lose weight.
This plant can be sown in a pot, the size of which will depend on where the cultivation process begins. If starting with seeds, a small container can be used; but if you start with a plant it is better to do it in a slightly larger pot.
A As it grows, you should change the pot or better transplant it into the ground. Experts indicate that blueberry plants prefer acidic soils, preferably with a pH close to 4.5. Likewise, a publication of the National Institute of Agrarian Technology of Argentina recommends a loose soil, with a level of organic matter between 3 and 5%.
When the seeds are to be sown, place a small container with soil and add a little water; then the seeds are put. It is important to water the plant daily and try to maintain a good level of humidity at all times.
The pot should be located in an area with good lighting and protected from the wind. Both in the pots and in the soil, the earth must be removed and loose for good oxygenation and proper drainage of the plant, he explains. better with health.
When the plant is transplanted, in doing so, the roots must be completely moistened to prevent them from suffering during this process. One of the recommendations is to transfer the plant to a bucket of water for regarding ten minutes before planting it once more. Once this process is finished, the soil must be moistened with enough water. From then on, it will be necessary to wait for it to grow, flourish, and then produce its fruits, always taking care that it does not lack moisture or nutrients.
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