I’m not worried regarding the price soaring following sleeping, but last month it rose more than 4% for the first time in 10 years. In particular, gasoline and light fuel prices have risen a lot, and the cost of eating out has become a burden.
Reporter Jo Ki-ho reports.
The cost of lunch is a huge burden for office workers.
This is because each restaurant you go to is raising the price saying the cost of ingredients has risen.
Last month, the cost of eating out increased by an average of 6.6%, including sashimi 10% and chicken 8%, the highest in 24 years.
[강양규/서울 동대문구 : 웬만한 건 다 1만 원 넘고 하니까 아무래도 직장인으로선 점심값이 엄청나게 부담이 되는 상황이 됐죠. 요즘에는 회사에서 주는 도시락으로 대체하든지 아니면 간단하게 집에서 도시락을 싸오고 있습니다.]
Oil also soared.
Gasoline, diesel and LPG prices soared all at once, rising more than 30% from a year ago.
Consumer prices rose 4.1% last month as gas prices and food and beverage costs pushed up inflation.
It is the first time in 10 years and 3 months that the inflation rate has exceeded 4%.
[어운선/통계청 경제동향통계심의관 : 이번 달 (물가) 상승 폭 확대는 대부분 석유류 가격의 오름세 확대에 기인하고 있는 것으로 나타나고 있습니다.]
The government has introduced measures to reduce oil prices.
The fuel tax, which is currently 20% off for three months from next month, will be reduced by an additional 10%, up to the current maximum of 30% under the current law.
Then, 83 won for gasoline and 58 won for diesel per liter.
In addition, additional subsidies will be provided to drivers of buses and trucks that use diesel.
If the price of diesel exceeds 1,850 won per liter, the government will pay half of the excess.
LPG for vehicles, which is mainly used in taxis, is also reduced by 12 won per liter.
The government asked gas stations to cooperate so that the effect of the fuel tax cut might be seen immediately, and said that it would monitor prices together with private organizations.