Construction of New Data Center in Casablanca Province: Agreement Signed by Ghita MEZZOUR, AMDIE, and N+ONE

2023-12-20 19:12:00

Ghita MEZZOUR signed an agreement jointly with AMDIE and the company N+ONE, for the construction and establishment of a new data center in Casablanca, in the province of Nouaceur. Credit: DR

A memorandum of understanding aimed at the construction and establishment of a new data center in the province of Nouaceur was signed on Wednesday between the Ministry of Digital Transition and Administration Reform, the Ministry of Investment , convergence and evaluation of public policies (through AMDIE) and the company N+ONE.

This data center, a physical site bringing together the different IT infrastructures, in this case the servers, will be operational by 2024, reports a joint press release from the two ministries and the company N+ONE.

With a total surface area of ​​2,000 m², this center aims to host the applications and data of companies or individuals as part of the provision of online, secure application services without downtime, notes the same source.

This agreement, specifies the press release, supports Morocco’s desire to develop this sector by promoting the installation of national and international players, in order to develop cutting-edge, competitive, secure and reliable cloud service offers for the national and international.

According to the national vision of digital development, the data center and cloud sector is considered as an infrastructure and technology necessary for the development of Morocco’s digital ecosystem and an accelerator of digitalization, recalls the press release.

N+ONE is a specialist in the development of data centers and cloud services active in the Moroccan market since 2008. The company which has been able to develop its presence across the continent, in accordance with international standards, offers a variety of services: raw colocation , fully managed hosting, or even cloud computing IT infrastructures.

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