Construction Leader Encounters Legal Challenge Amid Claims of €317,000 Misappropriation

The pre-trial investigation was conducted by the officers of the Financial Crimes Investigation Service (FNTT), the investigation was organized by the Vilnius District Prosecutor’s Office.

During the pre-trial investigation, it was established that the manager of the company that performed the construction works in 2022-2023. possibly illegally hired workers to perform the work and paid them only part of the agreed wages in cash, without accounting for this money in any way and not including it in the company’s accounting.

In addition, although the manager received payment from the clients for the work performed, but this money was allegedly not accounted for, the manager did not settle with the creditors for the materials and transport services provided, but instead from the company’s funds and on behalf of the company in 2022. purchased real estate at the end of which was immediately resold.

It is suspected that the head of the company used this received money – almost 317 thousand. euros – embezzled, thus causing a very large financial loss to the company.

The collected data show that real estate purchase and sale transactions were not declared to the State Tax Inspectorate (VMI), thus avoiding the payment of value added tax (VAT) to the state budget. It is estimated that nearly 21,000 were unpaid to VMI by providing false data. EUR VAT.

Possibly in order to avoid responsibility for the company’s fraudulent accounting, the manager sold the company’s shares.

After the completion of the pre-trial investigation, the case with the indictment was transferred to the court for consideration. The person will not be tried for the first time.

The most severe punishment that the court can impose for fraudulent financial accounting is imprisonment for up to four years. Tax evasion by providing incorrect information on income is punishable by up to four years in prison. The most severe punishment for embezzlement of very high value property is imprisonment for up to eight years.

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#construction #company #threatened #trouble #due #misappropriation #thousand #euros #Business
2024-09-07 00:21:13

Tax evasion is a predicate offence ​to money laundering true or​ false

The Devastating‍ Consequences of Tax ⁣Crimes and Financial⁤ Fraud:⁢ A Comprehensive⁣ Guide

Tax crimes and financial fraud are serious⁤ offenses that⁢ can have far-reaching consequences for individuals, ‍businesses, and economies as a whole. ‌In​ recent years,‌ governments and ‍financial institutions have intensified their efforts to combat these crimes, which can lead to financial losses, undermine public trust, and even threaten national security.

What are ‍Tax Crimes and Financial Fraud?

Tax crimes refer to illegal activities that involve the willful evasion of taxes, such as tax evasion, tax ⁣fraud, and⁣ money⁢ laundering. These crimes often involve the use ​of pseudo-business entities, also known as front ⁢companies, to conceal illegal activities [[1]]. Financial fraud, on⁢ the ⁤other ‍hand, encompasses a broader range of⁤ activities, including‌ embezzlement, bribery,​ and ⁢other forms of financial misconduct.

The Consequences of Tax Crimes ⁣and Financial Fraud

The consequences of tax‍ crimes and financial fraud can be severe. In ​addition to financial losses,‌ these crimes can lead to a erosion⁤ of public trust ⁢in governments and financial institutions ⁣ [[2]]. Moreover, they‌ can undermine economic growth ⁢and stability, as well as⁢ threaten national security.

In the‍ case of the company manager described in the pre-trial investigation, the⁤ manager’s illegal ⁣activities⁣ led to a significant financial ‌loss for the company, as well as unpaid taxes to the state budget. The ⁤manager’s actions, including the embezzlement of company funds and the purchase ⁣and sale of real estate, are⁤ considered serious offenses that ‌can lead to imprisonment for up to eight‍ years.

Prevention and Detection of⁢ Tax Crimes and Financial⁣ Fraud

Preventing‍ and⁤ detecting tax crimes and financial fraud require a multifaceted approach that involves⁣ governments, financial institutions, and individuals. ⁣Governments can strengthen their‍ laws and regulations to prevent ​illegal activities, ​while⁢ financial institutions can implement robust risk management systems to detect suspicious transactions.

Individuals, on the other hand, can play a crucial role in preventing tax crimes and financial fraud by being vigilant and reporting any suspicious activities to⁤ the authorities.‍ By doing so, individuals can help to prevent financial losses and protect the ‍integrity of the financial ⁢system.

The Importance of International ⁤Cooperation

Tax crimes and financial ⁢fraud are often‌ transnational in nature, requiring international cooperation to prevent and detect. Governments and financial institutions must work⁢ together‌ to share information and best practices to combat these crimes.

Organizations such as the OECD and the Eurasian Group on Combating Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism (EAG) play a‍ crucial role in promoting international cooperation⁣ and developing strategies to prevent ‍and‌ detect tax ‍crimes and⁤ financial⁣ fraud [[2]][[1]].


Tax⁣ crimes ​and financial fraud are serious offenses that can have devastating consequences for individuals, ⁢businesses, and economies. Preventing ‍and detecting these ‍crimes require a multifaceted approach that involves governments, financial ⁣institutions, and‌ individuals. By working together, we can prevent financial losses, protect the integrity⁤ of the financial system, and promote⁣ economic growth and stability.


<a ⁣href="”>[1]



Fntt struktura

Financial Crimes Investigation Service: Uncovering Fraudulent Activities in Construction Companies

In a recent investigation, the Financial Crimes Investigation Service (FNTT) uncovered a web of fraudulent activities in a construction company, highlighting the importance of vigilant financial monitoring and investigation. The case, organized by the Vilnius District Prosecutor’s Office, exposes the illegal hiring of workers, embezzlement of company funds, and tax evasion, resulting in significant financial losses.

The Investigation

The pre-trial investigation, led by the FNTT, revealed that the manager of the construction company had illegally hired workers and paid them only part of their agreed wages in cash, without accounting for the money in the company’s books. Furthermore, the manager had received payment from clients for work performed but failed to settle with creditors for materials and transport services. Instead, the manager used company funds to purchase real estate, which was immediately resold.

Embezzlement and Tax Evasion

It is suspected that the manager embezzled almost €317,000, causing significant financial losses to the company. The investigation also found that the manager had failed to declare real estate purchase and sale transactions to the State Tax Inspectorate (VMI), thereby avoiding the payment of value-added tax (VAT) to the state budget. This resulted in an estimated €21,000 in unpaid VAT.

Consequences and Punishments

After completing the pre-trial investigation, the case was transferred to the court for consideration. The individual involved will face imprisonment for up to four years for fraudulent financial accounting, up to four years for tax evasion, and up to eight years for embezzlement of high-value property.

Role of Financial Crimes Investigation Service

The Financial Crimes Investigation Service plays a crucial role in investigating and preventing financial crimes, including fraud, money laundering, and terrorist financing. FNTT works closely with national and international authorities to combat financial criminality and protect the financial system. As part of its mandate, FNTT investigates suspected financial crimes, gathers evidence, and provides expertise to law enforcement agencies [1[1].

International Cooperation

Financial crimes often transcend national borders, making international cooperation essential in combating financial criminality. The Financial Crimes Investigation Service collaborates with international organizations, such as the European Commission’s Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF), to share best practices, intelligence, and expertise in investigating financial crimes <a href="”>[2[2].

Prevention and Deterrence

The investigation highlights the importance of prevention and deterrence in combating financial crimes. Companies must implement robust internal controls and reporting mechanisms to prevent fraudulent activities. Furthermore, individuals must be aware of the severe consequences of financial criminality, including imprisonment and financial penalties.


The Financial Crimes Investigation Service plays a vital role in uncovering and preventing financial crimes, including fraud, embezzlement, and tax evasion. The recent investigation into the construction company underscores the importance of vigilant financial monitoring and investigation, as well as the need for international cooperation in combating financial criminality. By understanding the consequences of financial crimes, individuals and companies can take proactive measures to prevent fraudulent activities and maintain the integrity of the financial system.


[1] Finansinių nusikaltimų tyrimo tarnyba prie Lietuvos. (n.d.). About Us. Retrieved from

[2] European Commission’s Anti-Fraud Office. (n.d.). Financial Crime Investigation Service, Ministry of the Interior (AFCoS). Retrieved from <>

[3] Ministry of Treasury and Finance, Republic of Turkey. (n.d.). Presentation – TR Ministry of Treasury and Finance Official Portal. Retrieved from



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