Construction in Kaunas Beverly Hills: apartment with 10 toilets, “racket” and confused police | Business

Perkūnos al. The house on plot 28 has been undergoing major repairs for some time. The State Spatial Planning and Construction Inspectorate (Construction Inspectorate) repeatedly received reports of possible violations, but during the inspections they were not found.

Erikos Ovčarenko/BNS photo/Reconstruction of a house in Perkūnas avenue

Recently, new reports have raised further suspicions about the legality of the construction work by the inspectors.

According to “Registru centro”, Perkūno al. Building 28 is a one-apartment residential building, which is currently owned by 10 natural persons, and the technical regulation of construction states that residential (one-apartment) buildings are intended for one family.

Based on the number of owners, it can be concluded that the building may not be used for its intended purpose, i.e. as an apartment building, and it will be used by more than one family.

Having assessed this, the Building Inspectorate decided to conduct another inspection, and also repeatedly appealed to the Kaunas municipality administration regarding the supervision of the use of the building, the decisions made and adopted, and the compliance of the use of the building with the requirements of legal acts.

The on-site inspection was held on the morning of August 26. He also participated 15min a journalist.

Checked many times

How 15min said one of the employees of the Construction Inspectorate, the last time they visited this construction site was in June. The only thing that has changed, at first glance, according to him, is that the old paving tiles are no longer left near the house. Currently, the building’s owners have applied for a permit to lay new paving stones.

Erikos Ovčarenko/BNS photo/Reconstruction of a house in Perkūnas avenue

Erikos Ovčarenko/BNS photo/Reconstruction of a house in Perkūnas avenue

Responding to new complaints about the possible seizure of state land and illegal constructions, inspectors began measuring distances with a laser and recording possible changes with photos.

On the inner side of the yard there is another structure – a farm building, which is currently being repaired. Inspectors noticed that the location of his staircase had changed since last time.

Erikos Ovčarenko/BNS photo/Reconstruction of a house in Perkūnas avenue

Erikos Ovčarenko/BNS photo/Reconstruction of a house in Perkūnas avenue

How 15min said the head of the Construction Inspection. specialist Remigijus Šerkšnas, the first complaints about the repair works carried out here were received as early as 2022. in September. He himself went to inspections at least 5 times.

Inspectors visited the construction site 3 times in 2023. Today’s inspection is the second this year. So far, no violations have been recorded within the competence limits of the Construction Inspectorate.

#Construction #Kaunas #Beverly #Hills #apartment #toilets #racket #confused #police #Business
2024-08-30 16:33:19



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