Construction Firm Hit with €5.8 Million Penalty for Price Fixing Scheme

As the Federal Competition Authority (BWB) announced today, the requested fine of 5.8 million euros was imposed by the Cartel Court and the decision is legally binding. The company Leyrer + Graf is based in Gmünd, Lower Austria and also has an office in Traun. According to the BWB, the uncovered cartel primarily affects the road construction sector throughout Austria.

The violations took place from 2007 to 2017, bBoth public and private clients are affected. There are a large number of construction projects, which is why the authorities’ investigations are still ongoing.

Agreements were made between the companies involved to help each other to win contracts. This led to price fixing, market sharing, the exchange of competition-sensitive information and, in isolated cases, the formation of working and bidding groups that violated antitrust law.

Leyrer + Graf cooperated with the authority and contributed to the full clarification of the facts. The Federal Competition Authority had therefore requested a reduced fine with the involvement of the Federal Cartel Attorney.

Leyrer + Graf Fined €5.8 Million for⁢ Cartel Violations in​ Austrian ‌Road Construction

In a significant development announced by the Federal Competition​ Authority​ (BWB), the Cartel Court has imposed a legally binding fine of €5.8 million on the construction company Leyrer⁢ +‍ Graf. Based in Gmünd, Lower ​Austria, and with operations also⁤ in Traun, the company was found to be involved in cartel practices that directly impact the‍ road ⁤construction sector ​across Austria.

Overview of the⁤ Violations

The infractions by Leyrer + Graf occurred over a decade, from 2007 to 2017. Investigations by the BWB highlighted that both⁣ public and private clients were affected​ due ⁤to the collusion​ of several competing firms within the construction industry. Given the large ⁤number of active ​construction projects in Austria, the authority’s investigation is ongoing, aiming​ to​ uncover the full extent of these anti-competitive practices.

Nature of the Cartel Activities

The cartel operated through various ⁤unlawful agreements among companies, which were ⁢aimed at colluding to secure contracts.‍ These activities included:

  • Price Fixing: Companies agreed on pricing strategies that distorted ⁣the natural‍ competitive ⁤market, leading to inflated costs for ⁢clients and taxpayers alike.
  • Market Sharing: ⁢Competing firms⁤ divided the market‌ amongst themselves,⁣ eliminating‌ competition and reducing the ‌incentive to improve services or reduce prices.
  • Information Exchange: Sensitive competitive information⁤ was​ shared ⁢among ⁣the involved companies, ‍undermining the fair competition fundamental ‌to market ⁣health.
  • Formation of Bidding Groups: In some instances, the companies collaborated in bidding, which is a clear violation of antitrust laws designed to promote a⁢ fair and competitive market environment.

Company’s Response and Cooperation

Recognizing⁣ the⁣ serious nature of the violations, Leyrer + Graf chose to cooperate fully ⁣with⁣ the ⁢Federal Competition Authority ‍during the investigation. This transparency likely influenced the BWB’s request for a ‌reduced fine, which ⁣involved the participation ‍of the Federal⁢ Cartel Attorney. The proactive approach by the company may be viewed as an attempt to rectify their actions and contribute to antitrust compliance moving forward.

Implications for the ⁢Road Construction Sector

The ramifications ⁣of⁤ this case extend well beyond Leyrer​ +‍ Graf. The ‌exposure of‍ such cartel activities serves as​ a crucial‌ reminder of the importance of compliance within the construction‍ sector. Both ⁢private and public stakeholders need to⁢ be vigilant to ensure that ‍such violations do not⁣ take root, ‍potentially circumventing fair pricing and quality service.

Future of Competition in⁤ the ‍Construction Industry

As the BWB continues its investigations, the construction industry in Austria will be closely monitored ⁣for ⁤further violations.⁣ The move to impose a hefty fine signifies a ​serious stance against collusions that threaten fair competition. Additionally,​ public clients may revisit their procurement and contract-awarding processes to safeguard against future misconduct.


The €5.8 million fine against Leyrer +​ Graf underscores ‍the ongoing efforts​ by authorities ⁣to maintain a competitive market environment within Austria’s road construction sector. As investigations unfold, they serve as a significant step ‍toward ensuring accountability and enforcing antitrust ⁢laws that protect clients and citizens alike.

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