Constitutional Court Ruling Potentially Causes KIM Plus to Disband

An electronic board containing information on the countdown for the 2024 simultaneous regional elections at the General Elections Commission (KPU) Building, Imam Bonjol, Jakarta (MI/SUSANTO)

Lecturer of Political Science at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Indonesia (FISIP UI) Aditya Perdana assessed that the Constitutional Court Decision Number 60/PUU-XXII/2024 will change the political map in various regions.

“Today’s Constitutional Court decision surprisingly has a serious impact on the mapping of political coalitions being prepared by political parties,” said Aditya Perdana in Depok today.

He said because the coalition design is only with a composition of 20 percent, it is believed that it will change a lot. Moreover, with the argument that the formation of KIM Plus will encourage many changes, especially for political parties in KIM who want to propose themselves, without having to complete it to 20 percent.

Aditya Perdana, who is also the Executive Director of ALGORITMA Research and Consulting, said that the Constitutional Court’s decision is also believed to encourage many opportunities for regional head candidates who have given up and given up hope to have another chance to find a party that can push for nominations adjusted to the percentage determined by the Constitutional Court’s decision.

“Because there is a big coalition scheme, recently many candidates have limited opportunities,” he said.

According to him, the Constitutional Court’s decision will not only have an impact on candidates such as Anies Baswedan or PDIP who were left by the big coalition, but will also create broad political movements and dynamics for candidates who have not had a chance in the existing coalition building.

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Previously, the Constitutional Court through Decision Number 60/PUU-XXII/2024 changed the threshold for nominating regional head and deputy regional head candidates.

Through this ruling, the Constitutional Court stated that political parties that do not get seats in the DPRD can nominate candidate pairs. The calculation of the requirements to propose candidate pairs through political parties or a coalition of political parties participating in the election is only based on the results of valid votes in the election in the relevant region.

“The verdict grants the petitioners’ request in part,” said Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Suhartoyo reading out the verdict for the case filed by the Labor Party and the Gelora Party in the Plenary Courtroom of the Constitutional Court, Jakarta, today. (Ant/P-2)

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