Constitutional Court Judge Alludes to Plagiarism in Lawsuit Regarding Age Requirements for Regional Candidates According to Boyamin’s Son – 2024-07-31 19:13:26

Deputy Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court (MK) Saldi Isra (center) accompanied by constitutional judges Anwar Usman (right) and Arief Hidayat leading the trial (MI/Susanto)

THE constitutional judge examining the judicial review lawsuit on the age requirements of regional head candidates for case Number 89/PUU-XXII/2024 touched on the issue of plagiarism of a similar application that was registered earlier. Case number 89 was filed by Arkaan Wahyu, son of the Coordinator of the Indonesian Anti-Corruption Society (MAKI) Boyamin Saiman.

There are similarities in the lawsuit filed by Arkaan and Case Number 70/PUU-XXII/2024 filed by Fahrur Rozi and Anthony Lee. Like Arkaan, Fahrur-Anthony also filed a judicial review of the article related to the age requirements for regional head candidates.

The similarities between Arkaan and Fahrur-Anthony’s lawsuits are evident in part III when explaining the applicant’s reasons. The sentences used to explain the scope of the articles being tested are also the same. There are also similarities in the main arguments of the petition.

It is known that Fahrur-Anthony’s lawsuit was submitted to the Constitutional Court on May 27, 2024, while Arkaan’s was submitted on July 12, 2024. Constitutional Justice Saldi Isra also highlighted the similarities between cases number 89 and 88 initiated by Sigit Nugroho Sudibyanto. Both cases used the services of the Arif Sahudi law firm.

“After we investigated, some of these applications seem to have been simply copied and pasted, (case numbers) 88 and 89. So please, we have to be really careful,” said Saldi in the Constitutional Court courtroom, Jakarta (28/7).

Saldi was reluctant to mention that Arkaan committed plagiarism through lawsuit number 89. However, he asked the law firm that accompanied the case to work seriously. For Saldi, it concerns credibility.

“Please think seriously. I don’t want to say whether this is plagiarism or not, but there are similarities in the arguments for those points. Because the law firm is the same, we have to be careful about things like this,” Saldi concluded. (Tri/Z-7)

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