🧬 Cannabis consumption linked to the development of these cancers

2024-08-21 11:00:04

Heavy and regular use of cannabis may well carry unsuspected health risks.

Cannabis users with cannabis use disorder (CUD) may be at increased risk for certain head and neck cancers, a new study suggests. The finding, while preliminary, raises questions about the long-term effects of the substance on the body.

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The analysis looked at the medical records of more than 116,000 American adults over a 20-year period, revealing a worrying correlation between CUD and the development of cancers of the mouth, throat, and salivary glands. These patients, compared to people without the disorder, had a 3.5- to 5-fold increased risk of developing these diseases. The researchers used data from TriNetX, a large database of information from 64 health centers in the United States, to conduct the study. They compared people with CUD to a group of control similar in age and sextaking into account known risk factors such as alcohol and tobacco consumption, the main culprits of head and neck cancers.

One limitation of the study is that it does not distinguish between different methods of cannabis consumption, whether by inhalation or ingestion. It therefore remains uncertain whether it is the smoke or the active compounds in cannabis that are responsible for the increased risk. Nevertheless, the authors of the study emphasize the importance of these results for the prevention of these cancers.

Although the exact doses of cannabis consumed by the participants are not known and the data are based on self-reports, the results highlight a possible increase in cancers linked to the growing consumption of cannabis, particularly with its legalization and more widespread use.

The implications of this study are serious, although it is still too early to claim a definitive link. Further research will be needed to confirm these findings and determine whether cannabis plays a direct role in carcinogenesis.


Carcinogenesis refers to theensemble biological processes that lead to the formation of a cancer. This term groups together the mechanisms by which normal cells undergo progressive transformations that lead them to become cancerous. This complex process takes place in several stages, involving genetic mutations, alterations of DNA, as well as modifications of the regulation cellular. The process often begins with an initiation, where mutations or DNA damage occur, usually under the influence of carcinogenic substances (chemical agents, radiation, viruses, etc.). Then, the mutated cells undergo abnormal proliferation, promoted by growth signals or a environment favorable. Finally, the progression leads to theacquisition by these cells of invasive capacities and the formation of malignant tumors.

Carcinogenesis is influenced by many factors, including exposure to carcinogens, genetic predispositions, and environmental conditions, making its study crucial for cancer prevention and treatment.

#Cannabis #consumption #linked #development #cancers



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