Consequences of the Refugee Crisis in Lampedusa: Expert Insights and Impact on Switzerland and Europe

2023-09-19 02:26:32


“A tragic but logical consequence of European policy”

The refugee crisis in Italy is getting worse, with new boats carrying refugees reaching the small island of Lampedusa every day. A migration expert explains what the consequences are for Switzerland and Europe.

Published19. September 2023, 04:26

For a few days now, the world’s focus has been on the Italian island of Lampedusa.


Migration expert Benjamin Schraven classifies the current situation.

German Institute for Development Policy (DIE)

According to Schraven, the fact that Ursula von der Leyen visited Lampedusa on Sunday shows that the European Commission has recognized the seriousness of the situation.

However, according to Schraven, it remains to be seen whether short-term solutions can be found for the situation of the people coming to Lampedusa.


Over 8,000 refugees have arrived on Lampedusa in the last few days.

According to an expert, a situation that was predictable.

He warns that if Europe does not act, there will be more horrific images from the Mediterranean.

Migration expert Benjamin Schraven answers the most important questions current refugee crisis.

Mr. Schraven, what do you say about the current situation in Lampedusa?

The crisis has been apparent for some time. On the one hand, there have been significantly more people for some time now who are desperately trying to get through this Mediterranean to Europe to get. On the other hand, the EU and the other European countries are currently finding it very difficult to find solutions to this challenge. From the EU’s point of view, the EU agreement with Tunisia, which was intended to slow the flow of refugees across the Mediterranean in return for support of over one billion euros, has so far had little effect. The so-called EU asylum compromise for a fairer distribution of refugees also still has to be implemented. The situation on Lampedusa as the EU’s southern outpost is a tragic but logical consequence of this.

How does Europe react?

After the number of refugees fell significantly in 2017, the renewed increase has made the issue a top priority for Europe again. The fact that Ursula von der Leyen visited Lampedusa on Sunday shows that the European Commission has also recognized the seriousness of the situation and knows that it must be present. However, this has not yet been demonstrated in action. It remains to be seen whether short-term solutions can be found for the situation of the people coming to Lampedusa. However, if Europe fails to act, it could result in more horrific images from the Mediterranean.

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What effects does the refugee crisis have on Switzerland?

It will probably also result in an increase in asylum applications in Switzerland. I assume that both Switzerland and the EU member states will always do so in the medium to long term more on border controls will be set. I think it is likely that Switzerland will strengthen its cooperation with the EU in this regard. In the long term, the end of the refugee crisis can only be achieved with a pan-European decision.

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