Conquerors, the Béarnais win with the bonus against Paris (30-16)

4th day of TOP 14

The scenario was remarkably similar to that of the pre-match against Bayonne two weeks earlier: after a heavy defeat away from home, the Section had to raise its head at the Hameau.

Facing Parisians who are also experiencing a sluggish start to the season, the duel promised to be tough in front of the Canal+ cameras in prime time. After a rather sad first period and really not to the advantage of the Palois, the Vert et Blanc made a magnificent comeback. Trailing 3-13 at the break, they began with a series of blunders: lost balls, sterile possessions, missed opportunities…

New half-time, new face for Sébastien Piqueronies’ men who are particularly enterprising and determined. Emilien Gailleton (53′ 11-6) then powerful Beka Gorgadze (57′ 18-16) allowed the Béarnais to take the lead for the first time in the match. On an interception by Tagitagivalu, Manu breaks through and offers Attissogbe the try (68′ 25-16), the Section reverses the trend. The icing on the cake, Joe Simmonds treats Hamlet to the offensive bonus test. The second period ended with a 27 to 3 in favor of the Section. Victory 30 to 16.

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“We are very happy to recover 5 points, they are essential given the ranking and we are very happy with this second half! Halftime was good for us to say things to each other, we said the right words to each other and we managed to refocus and remobilize ourselves. » explained Emilien Gailleton at the end of the match. In two receptions, the Section pocketed 10 points out of 10 possible. Next Saturday’s trip to Perpignan will be a good test to assess the progress away, a black point at the start of the season.

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Match sheet

Score final : 30-16 ; score mi-temps : 3-13

Section : 4 tries from Gailleton (52′), Gorgadze (56′), Attissogbe (66′) and Simmonds (79′), 2 conversions from Simmonds (57′, 68′), 2 penalties from Simmonds (16′, 45′)
The team: Maddocks – Attissogbe, Gailleton, Manu, Luc (63′ Decron) – (o) Simmonds, (m) Daubagna (55′ Robson) – Credoz, Gorgadze (cap), Zegueur (65′ Kpoku) – Picquette (49′ Tagitagivalu) , Jolmes (74′ Picquette) – Williams (55′ Zabala), Delhommel (55′ Ruffenach), Bibi-Biziwu (45′ Papidze)

Stade Français Paris: 1 try from Dakuwaqa (20′), 1 conversion from Henry (21′), 3 penalties from Henry (11′, 40′, 49′); 1 yellow card against Huguet (64′)
The team: Jonas – Dakuwaqa, Marchant (55′ Etien), Ward, Ezeala (63′ Barré) – (o) Henry, (m) Weber (69′ Gimbert) – Huguet (74′ Van Der Mescht), Tanga, Chapuis (49′ Briatte) – Van Der Mescht (55′ Gabrillagues), Azagoh – M. Alo-Emile (58′ Gomez Kodela), Peyresblanques (63′ Meite), Castets (69′ Koffi)

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Post-match reactions



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