Conquering Autumn Hair Challenges: Expert Advice and Solutions

She advises against taking nutritional supplements without a medical examination: “If you are not ill and eat a balanced diet, you get all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals that your body needs. An excess is unnecessary and will not suddenly make you grow more hair.”

The expert therefore recommends that if hair loss is unexplained, the very first step is to have a blood test to examine the thyroid, vitamin levels, iron status, minerals, trace elements, electrolytes and hormones in the body: “If a deficiency is identified, it should be supplemented with the appropriate nutritional supplements.” According to Dr. Emi Arpa, taking the medication prophylactically is usually not effective. “Unless you know the cause – because you know, for example, that you have certain nutritional deficiencies. It would then be better to counteract this directly with a balanced diet than to take nutritional supplements.” Incidentally, some nutrients from supplements are not absorbed at all in the gastrointestinal passage.

Infusions against hair loss

That’s why some doctors also offer so-called drips, less fancy also known as infusions. Here you can be sure that the nutrients really get into the bloodstream because that’s exactly where they are applied. Dr. Eveline Urselmann, doctor of aesthetic medicine and owner of two practices named after her in Hamburg, explains: “We offer various infusions to combat hair loss. On the one hand, ‘predefined’ ones and on the other hand, those that we can adapt individually after the blood sample has been taken.”

Therapies against hair loss

Speaking of blood. It plays a key role not only in diagnosis, but also in treatment. A so-called PRP treatment is considered particularly effective. “PRP is short for platelet-rich plasma, which is extracted from the blood of the person being treated,” explains the doctor. “For the treatment, blood is taken and centrifuged. This separates it into three parts: red blood cells, white blood cells and the golden yellow plasma. Only the plasma is injected into the scalp using fine needles, precisely where the hair is thinning,” says Dr. Urselmann.

There, the growth factors stimulate the formation of new blood vessels around the hair roots, so that they are better supplied with nutrients. The plasma also has an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect. Perfect conditions for new hair growth. Important: In order for it to work, the treatment must be carried out as a course of treatment. Dr. Eveline Urselmann recommends six sessions at four-week intervals, i.e. a treatment period of six months. The effectiveness is scientifically proven. However, only against hereditary and circular hair loss. “There are clear studies on this,” she says, adding: “In practice, however, I often observe that patients whose hair loss is caused by other triggers such as stress, nutrient deficiency or a severe viral infection, such as Covid, respond particularly well to the procedure.” According to the expert, it is also important to refresh the treatment regularly: “At least once every six months. It is best to do this while it is still working and not when the hair starts to fall out again – prevention is always better than intervention. If you can afford it financially.” The cost per session is on average 500 euros. If you book treatments as a package, you save money in most practices.

Medicines against hair loss

If your blood test shows that the hair loss is hereditary, all three doctors recommend drug treatment in addition to PRP. “In androgenetic hair loss, the hair follicles atrophy and the blood vessels that supply the hair with nutrients shrink. The drug minoxidil works precisely at this point, dilating the blood vessels and thus correcting the lack of supply to the hair root by increasing blood flow to the vessels,” explains Dr. Emi Arpa. Minoxidil can be used by men and women. It is available as a foam and solution and is applied topically, i.e. to the scalp. The best known is the branded product “Regaine”. However, the active ingredient is also available from other companies with the same effectiveness for less money. Just like with paracetamol.

Minoxidil “Women’s Solution 2%” by Regaine

The anti-hair loss drug finasteride is also approved for men. “It intervenes deeply in the metabolism, inhibiting the so-called 5-alpha reductase in the cells, which is responsible for converting the sex hormone testosterone into the more active dihydrotestosterone (DHT). In children, this ensures the development of male sexual organs, but also the growth of body hair and hair loss on the head. The active ingredient is not approved for women because it can cause significant side effects in them,” explains Dr. Arpa. The list of potential side effects is also long for men. It ranges from erectile dysfunction to severe depression. The drug therefore has a so-called “red hand letter”. It can therefore only be prescribed after intensive information about these side effects has been provided.

Does caffeine help against hair loss?

Hair growth products containing caffeine are available in every drugstore and are completely safe. “This also stimulates blood circulation. However, it needs to be allowed to take effect for a sufficient amount of time,” says Dr. Emi Arpa. This means that serums and hair tonics containing caffeine are more useful than shampoos. The dermatologist adds: “Studies under laboratory conditions have shown that caffeine stimulates and strengthens hair roots. However, it must also be mentioned that there has not been enough research into whether the same result can be achieved under real conditions.” In addition to caffeine, the amino acid arginine is also found in numerous products against hair loss. It is said to have similar stimulating properties.

Kérastase “Strengthening Hair Treatment”

In social media, LED helmets, inspired by the popular face masks, are being celebrated as the latest remedy for hair loss. Dr. Merkel explains: “The scalp also benefits from the anti-inflammatory effect of light, which has been proven for use on the face. However, the hair roots are several millimeters deep in the scalp. It is questionable whether the light reaches there and really stimulates hair growth, as the manufacturers promise. Studies are still lacking on this.” And then there is a circulation booster that costs nothing: massage the scalp in the morning and evening.

CurrentBody Skin “LED device” against hair loss

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Can be​ beneficial for hair health. Caffeine stimulates hair follicles and may enhance hair growth, while‌ arginine improves blood⁢ circulation to the scalp, providing essential nutrients to the hair roots.‌

Hair Loss: Causes, Symptoms, and Effective Treatments

Hair loss is a common condition that affects millions of people ⁤worldwide. It can be⁤ caused by a variety of factors, including genetics, hormonal ⁢imbalances, nutritional deficiencies, and ⁣certain​ medical conditions. In this article, ⁢we’ll explore the causes of hair loss, its symptoms, and the most effective treatments available.

Causes of ⁣Hair Loss

Hair loss can be caused by a combination of genetic,‍ hormonal, and environmental factors. ‍According to ‍the NHS, most hair loss​ is either temporary and will grow back, or it’s a normal part of aging ⁢ [[1]]. However, hair loss caused​ by a medical condition usually stops or grows back ‍once the underlying condition ‍is treated.

Some common causes of ⁤hair loss include:

Androgenetic alopecia⁢ (male/female pattern baldness)

Alopecia areata (autoimmune ⁢disease)

Telogen effluvium (excessive hair shedding)

Thyroid disorders

Nutritional deficiencies (iron, zinc, biotin)

Hormonal imbalances

Certain medications

Infections and inflammation

Symptoms of Hair Loss

The symptoms of hair loss can vary⁣ depending on ⁢the underlying cause. Common symptoms include:

Thinning or⁣ balding spots ⁣on the scalp

Excessive hair shedding

Itchy or‌ inflamed scalp

Hair breakage

* Receding hairline

Treatment Options for Hair Loss

Fortunately, there are several effective‍ treatment options available for hair loss. The best ⁣treatment approach often involves a combination of medical⁢ treatments, lifestyle changes,‍ and‌ natural remedies.

1. Blood Tests and Nutritional Supplementation

If ⁢hair loss is⁢ unexplained, a blood test can help identify underlying nutritional deficiencies or hormonal ⁤imbalances. Based on the test results, nutritional supplements can be taken to address any deficiencies. However, it’s essential to consult with a doctor before taking any supplements.

2. Infusions against Hair⁣ Loss

Some doctors offer infusions, also known as drips, to combat ‌hair loss.‌ These infusions can be tailored‌ to individual needs based ⁣on blood ⁤test‌ results. Infusions can help deliver essential nutrients directly into the bloodstream, promoting healthy hair growth.

3. PRP Therapy

Platelet-rich ​plasma (PRP) therapy⁤ is a highly effective treatment for hair ⁢loss. PRP involves injecting platelet-rich⁢ plasma (derived from the patient’s blood)⁤ into the scalp. This stimulates hair growth by promoting new ⁤blood vessel formation and increasing nutrient supply to the ‌hair roots.

4. Medications

Minoxidil and​ finasteride are two FDA-approved medications ​for treating hair loss. ​Minoxidil promotes hair growth by increasing blood flow to the scalp, while finasteride slows down hair ⁢loss by blocking the production of ⁢dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

5. Caffeine and Arginine

Caffeine and ‌arginine are two natural ingredients that

– What are the myths about hair loss treatments that people should be aware of?

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Hair Loss: Separating Fact from Fiction

Hair loss is a common concern for many individuals, and with the abundance of misinformation available, it can be challenging to identify effective solutions. According to Dr. Emi Arpa, a medical expert, taking nutritional supplements without a medical examination is not only unnecessary but also ineffective in addressing hair loss.

The Importance of Medical Examination

Before considering any hair loss treatments, it is crucial to undergo a blood test to identify any underlying deficiencies or hormonal imbalances. This comprehensive test should examine thyroid, vitamin, iron, mineral, trace element, electrolyte, and hormone levels. If a deficiency is identified, targeted nutritional supplements can be used to address the issue.

Infusions against Hair Loss

In addition to blood tests, infusions can be an effective way to combat hair loss. Dr. Eveline Urselmann, a doctor of aesthetic medicine, explains that infusions can provide essential nutrients directly into the bloodstream, ensuring maximum absorption. These infusions can be tailored to individual needs based on blood test results.

Therapies against Hair Loss

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatment is a highly effective therapy against hair loss. This treatment involves injecting platelet-rich plasma into the scalp, stimulating hair growth and improving blood supply to the hair roots. Dr. Urselmann recommends a course of six sessions at four-week intervals, with regular refreshers every six months to maintain results.

Medicines against Hair Loss

In cases of hereditary hair loss, drug treatment can be an effective solution. Minoxidil, available as a foam or solution, is a medication that dilates blood vessels, increasing blood flow to the hair roots and promoting hair growth. Finasteride, another anti-hair loss drug, is approved for men and works by inhibiting the metabolism of dihydrotestosterone, a hormone that contributes to hair loss.

Debunking Hair Loss Myths

While caffeine and arginine may have some benefits for hair health, they are not a substitute for medical treatment. Caffeine can stimulate hair follicles, and arginine can improve blood circulation to the scalp, but these effects are limited and may not address underlying hair loss



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