Conquer Lice: The Rising Success of Lice Clinics for School Children and Adolescents in Belgium

2023-11-05 12:54:00

Tomorrow, the children will go back to school and it’s not just winter viruses that worry some parents, there are lice too. Many are now turning to lice clinics. They are becoming more and more successful.

Laurence created her anti-lice center six years ago. Mother of a blended family of four children, she has often been confronted with lice and the difficulties in overcoming them.

In her clinic, she explains to her client how to get rid of these parasites: “We’ll start with your neck. One of the areas favored by nits“.

The founder of the center now offers a dehydration treatment lasting one and a half hours, more effective than traditional shampoos which manage to kill adult lice, but not the more resistant nits.

The only thing that gets rid of nits is either dehydration or manually removing them with a comb, which is quite tedious work.” she explains.

An easier treatment than a simple comb

Its treatment therefore consists of sending hot air before applying shampoo and combing. On a piece of paper, it shows “all those little nits that need to be eradicated and removed from the hair“.

These centers are becoming more and more successful. The explanation according to Laurence is that “parents are very busy, mothers work, there is a real usefulness in actually professionalizing this treatment and ensuring that we help people who do not have the time to do it at home.”

Because the louse particularly appreciates the hair of children between four and twelve years old. And contrary to popular belief, no one is spared.

“The louse makes no distinction”

Although someone with long hair will be more easily affected. “The louse will move from head to head, so when you have long strands that fly in the wind, you are more likely to catch lice” said Laurence.

And contrary to popular belief, “clean hair, dirty hair, the louse makes no distinction, it does not discriminate“.

We should be able to talk regarding it more freely

The louse is even synonymous with an active social life, so it does not spare adolescents, who are often embarrassed to carry the parasite. Juliette is a teenager and she has undergone several anti-lice treatments. She is the only one who agreed to answer our questions.

We often associate lice with the idea of ​​poor hygiene, but this is absolutely not the case. And I think we should be able to talk regarding it more freely because the majority of children will have it many times.” says the young teenager.

Cost of treatment: between €79 and €139, depending on the length of the hair.

To avoid catching lice, it is advisable to tie up long hair and not share a brush.

Belgium lice lice school children adolescents Society

#Antilice #clinics #emerging #Belgium #real #usefulness #professionalizing #treatment



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