Conner Rousseau disappointed with pension reform: “It’s not a big reform”

“My generation is worried about their future pensions. To achieve that, we really have to dare to reform. Both tax-wise and pension-wise. And that’s not the case. I’m disappointed.”

The kern, the select ministerial committee of the federal government, reached an agreement on Monday evening on pension reform, after several weeks of negotiations, during which the PS was particularly singled out. For the president of the Flemish socialists, work should be more profitable. “Also in our pensions. That is why we in Vooruit have fought hard to increase pensions. The minimum pension will be more than 1,500 euros net. Whoever works longer will receive a larger pension,” emphasizes Mr. Rousseau.

The government has reintroduced the pension bonus. “After the previous right-wing government removed it. And there will be improvements for women who combine family and work,” he said. Yet, according to Conner Rousseau, workers deserve better. “With Vooruit, we will continue to fight for a major reform. A reform that will no longer look at the pension age, but at the years on the clock. Vooruit wants people who start working at 18 to be able to retire at 60. But people must also have actually worked if they want to take an early pension.”

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