Congressman of the Historical Pact will resign to aspire to regional elections

The countdown has already begun for the 2023 regional elections and incumbent congressmen who want to run for public office in those elections have until this week to resign their seats.

In this context, it was confirmed that one of the senators of the Historical Pact will leave his seat in the legislature to be a candidate next year. The name is not yet confirmed, but it has already transpired that the resignation will arrive this Wednesday, December 28.

the senators Maria Jose Pizarro y gustavo bolivar they sound like possible candidates of that political group for the Mayor of Bogotá, a position that President Gustavo Petro has already held in the past and that is currently in the hands of the center left with the mayor of the Green Alliance, Claudia López.

Meanwhile, in that same bench the legislators Wilson Arias y alexander lopez They are also emerging as possible candidates for the Mayor’s Office of Cali or for the Governor’s Office of Valle del Cauca.

So among one of those four parliamentarians could be the name of the second resignation from Congress to run for the race, since the first was that of the former candidate for the Presidency, Rodolfo Hernandezwho would go for the Santander Governorate with the League of Anti-Corruption Rulers.

The same president of the Senate and head of the Historical Pact bench, Roy Barreras, confirmed that “we will have a resignation of an important senator who has already decided to govern instead of legislating. In the closed lists, citizens vote for the political project, so the Pact will maintain the number and programmatic identity. Comrade Alberto Benavidez will enter the Senate”.

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In the House of Representatives, another Petrism parliamentarian who was proposed as an eventual candidate, but for the Mayor’s Office of Medellín, is David Alejandro Toro.

Among the groups close to the Government, it was also considered the aspiration of the representatives Katherine Miranda (Green Alliance) and David Racero (Pact) to the Mayor of Bogotá, but both chose to stay in Congress.

From the opposition and the senator Paola Holguin he ruled out seeking the Antioquia Governorship by the Democratic Center; in the Conservative Party the representative Yamil Arana He is considering whether to give up his seat to seek the Governorship of the Atlantic.

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